The Confrontation

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Chapter 24.

The confrontation.

When the girls finally wake up and get breakfast all Maya could really think about is the fact that Lucas missed her too and she's finally letting herself be happy. Finally. The happiest she's ever felt in her life. It's terrifying and thrilling at the same time. The only time she's ever felt this way was when she realised Shawn was staying. The day Shawn decided to marry her mom was the ultimate sign that things are finally going right for her and her mom. She deemed that since Shawn stayed that life was done providing them with happiness and from thereon out it would go back to normal. It's not like she's complaining, truly, if anything she was exceptionally happy. Happy because her mom finally got the happiness she deserved and if anyone deserved happiness in the truest and happiest form then it'll be her mom. She never expected to be this happy hence why she's so damn terrified but she won't let that hinder her smile. She finally found out how wonderful it is to be with Lucas, to hold, touch, kiss even love and she vows she will fight for this because fuck it, it's worth it.

Riley was truly immensely happy for the girls. They finally managed to just calm themselves down and realise that they have so much happiness waiting for them in the future,the only problem is she doesn't know if she ever will. As much as Maya and Smackle is smiling, she envys and want it to. She's not selfish she just really want to finally join their party and be happy. It's also why she decides right then and there that she's going after what she wants. It took her a while to realize what it is she wants but she finally got it. She knows now and she's not going to let anything phase her. Not now. She has things to set right, mistakes to rectify and love to store in herself. With her goal in mind she and the girls ventre off to school.
The whole ride she's confident but the closer she got to the school the more nervous she gets. What do I do. What do i say? Is this right? All these thoughts are running through her head but she's not going to let it deter her. No.

As soon as they enter the school, her beautiful brown eyes scan the boring school hall for her target. It detects her target on his way to their next class. She turns back To Maya only to find Maya looking back at her with that smile that says go for it, so she does. She takes off to catch up to her target determined to not leave until he accepts her apology. "Charlie, wait up" she screams and he stops to look at the source of interruption. She notices his smile soften and she feels more bad for what she's done but it also means he still somehow have something for her. "Yes Princess Riley?" he scoffs and she visibly cringes but she doesn't allow him to back her down. "Listen Charlie, I'm sorry. For everything. I know I can't say this enough but I'm so sorry" she sobs, it's her fault she knows and even if he doesn't want her atleast she knows she did the right thing. "Riley, it's in the past, I can't say that it hurt, believe me it did but I've realised what kind of person you are and I feel like slapping myself for ever thinking you were good enough for me." he shrugs and if it's not big deal but his eyes, oh his eyes says something different. " Why have you been looking for me Riley? You haven't given me the time of day since you decided to choose Lucas over me. Now I hear you've been looking for me? What's up with that?". He had gotten word from his friends at school that Riley has been asking where he was. He didn't believe it because Riley was selfish and stuck in her own world. Why would she be looking for him?
" I'm so sorry Charlie. Truly sorry. I know I messed up. I messed up so badly. I just I wanted to have a fairy tale ending like my parents. I finally understand why you feel resentment towards me. I would too. It took me a while to get to your standard of thinking. It was imprinted in my head, by no one else but myself that I needed to live up to my parents. I wanted to. I wanted to find my prince charming and I didn't but I thought I did. I ruined so many things but I still remained oblivious. I know. I was immature. Perhaps still am but I know now. I learned and I'm truly sorry. Never have I felt this bad in my life." she looks down onto the floor and walks up to hug him. She engulfs him into her arm because she needs the comfort and perhaps this is the last time they will be like this. She let's go after a while and says" and Charlie you're worth it, I just didn't see your worth at the time but now I do and Thank you",with that she moves to turn around only to have Charlie pull her back into his arms and hold her tight. "No need to thank me Riley. I've liked you for so long that even when I wanted to hate you, I couldn't." he says looking into her eyes "but we are gonna have to speak about this. I'm not ready to forgive you just yet but we'll start slow okay?"

"I can't stand to get myself hurt again. I refuse to get hurt again Riley."

"I refuse"

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