Riley's realisation.

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" Huh, never saw that one coming" she says sarcastically. She watches the way he paces around and she's suddenly struck with some realisation. He was never this scared. His brows contorted and she realises he cannot hurt her, never really. She knows Lucas and she cannot help but feel jealous but she realises that maybe she needs to do this for her friends. His scared but she's even more afraid of what this means to them and their group. She's always been afraid of change and yet when change occurred she always had Maya by her side. Her circle grew and she became accustomed to change but this change suddenly scares her. What if Maya and her drift apart?. She's seen it coming. Loosing Maya isn't something she can accept. She looks at Lucas and she realises that she needs to know how he feels about Maya because she's her sister.
"Lucas, please calm down. We really need to talk about this" she says.

Lucas suddenly stops and sits down quietly on the bed "okay" he sighs. "I'm sorry, I'm just overwhelmed with these feelings, never have I ever felt this much for someone".
It hurts her a little realising that he never had such strong feelings for her. The way she felt about him for a while.
" hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say so much. It was insensitive of me" he says, she's brought out of her slumber as he speaks and suddenly she's a bit defensive and guilty. "No, its not your fault Lucas, I understand" she says seriously "I always, always want you to speak to me,about anything and everything." He visibly relaxes and turns to face her. "Yeah?"he asks "even if it's about your best friend?"he says with a slight smirk. She smiles, and it erases the tension in the room,"yes, Lucas. We're at our best when we talk to each other". He let's out this light chuckle that surprises her, she gives him a curious glance and he shrugs and replies " I just remembered what Maya said that night in Texas ". His struck with that realisation that maybe even then he was in denial. "She said the exact same words,I was so confused but the energy and the environment was so spectacular I just let it go. She made sense and that's why I was so confused because suddenly everything changed". He automatically tenses due to that,he looks at her with concern and says " Riley, I really like her. Tell me you're okay with this. Please, because if Maya does have any sort of feelings for me,she wouldn't date me for you. She loves you Riley, so much that she puts you above everything. She does everything to keep us happy Riley" she watches as his face changes to adoration. His smiling so fondly as if his recalling some memory that fills him up with elation. "You're okay with this right?",his desperate he knows but he finally got something that means a lot to him. He knows that this thing with Maya could go far. He has this in his grasp and he sure as hell won't let it go.

Riley becomes aware of how important this is for him. She can see it on his face. " You'll treat her right?, she deserves everything Lucas. Everything." She was always aware of how loyal Maya is to her. How Maya stepped back that day they rode the subway together and found Lucas. She can only imagine how much pain Maya's been through seeing the hugs,hand holding and first kiss. Her heart beats faster and her hands start sweating. She cannot believe she hurt Maya, her sister, her bestie. She realises she owes this to Maya. To both of them. "Always Riley, Always. I want to give her everything" he declares.
She's sure he will.

She realises that maybe its time to let go.
Its time for Maya to be happy.

"I'm okay with it " she says. Feeling hope and happiness for herself and Maya.

She's grateful for everything. She's finally freeing herself to find happiness for both herself and Maya.
They are all going to be fine. Change isn't so bad.

Disclaimer: I do not own girl meets world or anything associated with the show.

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