The One Where Riley Has To Prove Herself.

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Riley felt a small weight lift from her shoulders, perhaps not everything but atleast she feels as if she's getting somewhere. When Charlie forgave her, she realised how much she screwed up because letting a guy like Charlie, who can forgive her for all the terrible screwed up things she did to him, go is akin like a sin. He was such a great guy, she remembers when they went on a few dates how sweet and charming he was not caring at all about himself but rather worrying himself if she was satisfied. She's so damn angry with herself for how stupid she was back then, not anymore though. She needs to make it up to him, and not just tiny gestures but something huge that let's him know how deeply sorry she is and how she truly honestly likes him. Because she thinks about all the times he was there for her,without even asking anything personal he already knew what was bothering her, he spoke to her, calmed her and she let that go? Hell no.

She knows his birthday is coming up in a few days and she depicts that as an great day to execute her plan. She'll beg him if she has to but then again he wouldn't allow her to beg, and that says alot about his character. She needs to gather information about him so that she can give him the best of the best for him. The first step is to befriend him again, but she doesn't mind. She'd do anything to prove herself to him. Anything.

The next day she executes her plan, she greets him before he even has a chance to open his mouth. She kisses him on the cheek just because she couldn't resist his shocked face, it was cute okay?. She compliments him whenever she sees him: "You're looking great today", "I love your hairstyle, did your hair always brighten up your face?", "You did well in class today". It always ended up with him astonished and curious, so naturally she kisses him again on the cheek because it's cute the way he looks shocked afterwards. She knew it was getting to him as his gaze was always on her, trying to figure her out and she's unfortunately yet fortunately gloating about it. It provides her with confirmation that her plan is working. She's extremely satisfied.

It goes on for the next two days until he finally cracked, on his birthday, he dragged her out of the classroom down into the hallway and asked her somewhat angrily yet curious as well "what's your deal Riley?". "Whatever do you mean Charlie?" she's playing innocent she knows and she feels guilty for making him go through all of this but it's something she feels she needs to do to earn her place back into his heart. She watches as he angrily paces up and down dragging a hand through his hair," This compliments and cheek kissing and leaving these notes in my locker" at her shock look he smirks just a bit glad to have had the upper hand for a while," you didn't realize I'd figure out it was from you?". He laughs because honestly no one else would've done such a things well except him, "It's cute and all Riley, these motivational notes you've been writing for me and the parts in between where you compliment me it's truly amazing but I want to know why, what's the reason?"

She shouldn't have been surprised that he knew it was her, she underestimated how well he knew her, and he did know her truly. She keeps forgetting that he somehow knows her so well that any trick she pulls on him he'd figure it out. His so mature like that, he says so little yet he observes and gains knowledge like that. It awes her truly and she vows never to let such a guy go. That's why she decided to rather speak to him honestly "I.. I've noticed recently how down you've been, you know and maybe it's family problems or maybe it's stress or maybe it's me and I felt like I've already done so much to hurt you, the least I could do is perhaps cheer you up. None of those things I've written to you are lies. If you thought I was lying, I wasn't. You're an amazing guy and you motivate so many people, I want you to realise that. I may have hurt you but I do notice your qualities and you have so many. It outshines all of your bad thoughts you're currently having". She walks up towards him and grabs his hands gently into hers, his shocked expression makes her want to kiss that frown away but this time she doesn't, "Yes, I do have a deal I am working on but trust me it's nothing bad, it's something I feel will benefit you." she states. He opens his mouth to reply or maybe to rebute her but she doesn't allow him to "At first I wanted to end up you know just giving you what you want: me gone and I fully planned on just letting you go and live your life the way you want and then I realised, I am not going to give up on getting your forgiveness, I'm not taking the easy way. Maya has taught me a lot of things and one of those lessons I've learned from her is that if you want something, never let it go. I don't want to let you go Charlie. I know I have a lot of things to make up for but that's okay, I have time and patience, but I need you in my life for that to happen okay?". She let's go of his hands, sits them back next to his sides and says finally" okay, I'm done, you may finally talk" she giggles at the end of that sentence. He gapes at her, once, twice maybe perhaps thrice,then finally clears his throat, "Riley I appreciate this I do, but you don't need to do all this Riley, I already forgave you." He takes her hands back into his because as soon as she left them, he felt  an immense ounce of coldness wash over him. "I already forgave you Riley".
"I know Charlie, but I feel like I have to make it up to you truly that's why I have a present for you." She walks all the way to her locker, knowing somehow he'd end up following her, "Happy Birthday Charlie, I hope this earns me some points in your good books" with that she provides him with a blue neatly wrapped present and takes his hands, forming into two palms as one would to catch a fallen snowflake and presents it into his hands. "Happy Birthday once again Charlie Gardner" she presses a kiss into his cheek just for measure and whispers into his ear "open it" and with that he does. The next thing she knows, her present she gave him is on the floor, his hands are cupping her face and his looking at her asking her for permission to with his eyes, she doesn't need to say much because his mouth touches hers and they're kissing. "Riley this is the best gift anyone has given to me, you remembered! How did you know I wanted to go to Visit my Dad this weekend?"

She knows his dad isn't around much and when they dated, he told her as much. She figured he probably missed his dad and wished to atleast spend a few days with him and she wanted him to get everything he wised for. Naturally a trip to his dad would suffice.
"Thank you so much Riley, this means the world to me truly"

"You're welcome Charlie" with that she hugs him and decides to go back to whatever it was they were doing before this only to be stopped as he grabbed her arm and pulled her into another hug.

"Would you maybe want to go with me to visit my dad?"

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