The one where Lucas and Maya finally talk. Part one point five.

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Authors Note: It's been a while since I've updated and for that I am truly sorry. Life catches up to you and throws you out of proportion. I am here with a update and I'll be updating as soon as I can. I promise. Any way on with the story


It's bliss that his been dreaming about for days, months even. Having Maya in his arms feels so fucking amazing, he won't ever forget this moment. After their make out session, and he has to grin whenever he thinks about it,Maya fell back asleep in his arms. He knows it's due to her loosing blood and he cannot help but lightly trace the bandage on her arm,he feels so sick to his stomach because he never knew Maya cuts herself. Disappointment courses through him towards himself because if he wasn't so damn oblivious he'd be able to help her. She shifts against him finding a more comfortable spot and relaxes once she's resting against his chest more firmly and he cannot help but admire her beauty. How can anyone be this beautiful and not know it?. Her hair,her eyes even her eyelashes,his so ecstatic knowing she's his now.

Zay appears at the door,frantic really,but as soon as he sees Maya sleeping soundly in Lucas arms he relaxes. He nods his head in a form of greeting,when his in Lucas's eyesight that Lucas understands. The sentiment Lucas thinks,is appreciated,he realises how much Zay cares and he thanks God for providing him with such great friends. "How's she?" Zay whispers and Lucas nods as if to say he heard him,"sound asleep as of now,I'm not sure how she is. We never spoke really" he whispers but there's a more happy tone to his voice and Zay realises Lucas is actually smiling. "Aaah,something happened?"he asks because as much as Zay would give him privacy, Maya means more to him than that.Her safety always comes first. He needs to know if he can trust Lucas with Maya at this moment.

Lucas glances up from watching Maya to Zay and as much as he'd like to take defence against the way Zay's looking at him,he cannot because he fully understands so instead of providing Zay with a glare he provides Zay with a look of utter honesty,he replies with the same depth of honesty " Yeah, I told her how I feel, more like ranted"he whisper laughs "she was speechless, we kissed" he got this dreamy look on his face and Zay knew right then how smitten Lucas was for Maya "and I asked her out. She's my girlfriend now" he beams and nothing could ruin his mood because that statement alone brought him such happiness imagine how happy he'd be with Maya holding his hand and kissing him?.

"She fell asleep after that?" Zay inquires and Lucas is brought out of his trance,he smiles nods and breaths out a soft "Yeah".

Zay is satisfied with Lucas version. He cannot help but feel odd around Lucas because they've been apart yes but they haven't not spoken if they were in close proximity to one another. Ever since they were small they've been close. When Zay's parents fought, he'd sneak out to Lucas's house, spend time there. They'd talk about everything. Lucas and Zay in Texas was Maya and Riley. Inseparable.

He comes to a decision.

"Hey Lucas?" Lucas looks up once again,"I know you didn't mean to,noone did really, but we've grown apart how about we have a boys day out? Me,you and Farkle?. Just us no interruptions?. Like old times,only we're adding Farkle"He asks and he means it because this is his best friend always has been,they've never been so distant. Long before Riley and Maya,he was there to protect Lucas granted Lucas protected him more than he protected Lucas but they'd be together always,so when Lucas nods and replies saying that would be great asking if Saturday is okay,he cannot help but feel overjoyed. Their bond isn't broken but the girls came in their lives and they separated. He hopes this will only enhance their bond instead of breaking it. He gets up as stealthily as he can, goes over to Maya and runs his hand over her arm, patting her bandage softly. He whispers "get better soon blondie". He looks at Lucas gives him another one of those nods accompanied with a smile. Lucas returns it and Zay finally leaves.

Lucas looks down once again at the perfection that is Maya,smiles and gives her a forehead kiss and finally drifts off to sleep with contentment in him. When he wakes up he feels as if he just slept a few minutes,once he checks his watch he realises he did. Confusion settles what woke him up then?. When he looks down at a sleeping Maya his sure it's not her but a smile just could not help but break out. Its only when he hears a cough is he startled out of his mind,luckily he made sure Maya was sound asleep. When he looks around him for the occupant of said cough,his eyes land on Shawn being hold back by Katy. He smiles at them politely "Good evening Ma'am,sir. I'm sorry for my current position but as you can see your daughter is sleeping" there's that smile again.

As Shawn watches this Lucas guy smile down at Maya,he sees in Lucas what he knows he feels for Katy. That's how he knows that Lucas won't ever hurt Maya, who is a daughter to him. So he kneels down at Maya and whispers to her how his proud of her,knowing she won't realise he was even there. He looks up at Lucas and says "You love her". Its a statement,no question. No malice. Just a pure fact and Lucas doesn't even hesitate in his answer "Yeah,I do, I have for a while now actually." He states and Shawn has to ask one last question "You're going to treat her right okay!?. Don't hurt her,ever". The intensity of his stare is strong and Lucas shivers a bit under it but stares right back. "I don't know the future sir,but what I do know is that I'd never intentionally hurt her. If I do,I swear I'll fix it because she's worth it" and just like that Shawn is awed. This guy has shown such maturity, he nods his approval,smiles at Lucas and walks towards his beloved takes her hand. Kisses it for good measure and says "I love you and Maya. She's got a good one" Katy nods with a loving smile, with one final nod at Lucas,Shawn walks out with Katy on his tail his hand never letting hers go while Lucas watches. When they're gone Lucas says to a sleeping Maya "I want what your mom has with Shawn with you Maya. I want to make you happy". He kisses her tempting lips with one final statement "I love you Maya",he drifts off to sleep thinking about how amazing this feeling of being complete is. He hugs Maya closer in his sleep.

Disclaimer :I do not own GMW only borrowing its characters.

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