Friendship is forever.

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Chapter 16

"Why'd you blurt out Riley's feelings on new years?"

The question fills him with immense shame and guilt especially hearing the hurt tone she asked the question with. Most of the time he forgets how much Maya feels. He forgets how much she endures as well as hurts. She's so utterly strong that he forgets how she works. "I'm sorry," and he really is extremely, "I sometimes forget you're just a teenager just like us. I mean you look like one but you're so strong,I just forget how much you actually hurt." He explains and once again that guilt fills him because his been such a horrible friend to her. He knows and his so grateful she's still here in his life as his friend. His best friend.

She listens aptly to his response and she'd like to reprimand him for all the insecurities he made her feel as well as the hurt that she felt when she realised he, her best friend of all people, ended up disregarding her. She doesn't though because who is she to judge?. When she had her share of bad decisions in her life. When she ignored them all to avoid hurt. She understands,more than she'd like to say. She knows Farkle is a being that likes stability and facts, and feelings is so complicated and confusing,its definitely not analytical or logical. He stuck to what he knew and that was Riley's feelings,existent or not,so she says "I understand Farkle, I do. I just.. I don't know felt like I was alone you know? I trusted you to be fair and take everything into account but you didn't and you just hurt me but I'm no complete stranger to it you know? But I forgive you. I understand and I want to leave this behind us okay?". He wants to defend himself and apologise but he knows it'll do him no good so he nods and steps towards her,drawings her into a hug as he throws in one last "sorry". She accepts his hug and cuddles into him.


Lucas feels helpless,utterly so because Maya, his girlfriend (mahn he'll never get tired of saying that), is in there alone and he feels worried for some reason. He cannot explain why,maybe its because he finally has her in his life not just as a friend but a girlfriend and loosing that isn't something he can fathom. His internally fussing and he just wants to make sure she's okay. Zay notices obviously and the next thing he knows is his brought into an conversation that takes his mind off Maya, temporarily of course, when Zay says " Vanessa and I are moving in together".

Lucas is so dumbfounded, shocked out of his wits that his jaw literally drops. His not embarrassed about the fact that he actually stutters. "Uhh, uhm" he clears his throat,"What the fuck!?" With a pointed stare at Zay,only to find Zay suppressing a laugh. When Zay sees his face,he bursts out laughing. "I'm kidding dude,look at your face" and Lucas glares at him at his reply. "Relax Lucas, I just wanted you to calm down. You had that 'Texas Lucas' look on your face and Maya asked me to calm you down".

Lucas understands, of course he does, when his angry he cannot really calm down. He cannot see straight.Only Maya and Zay has that ability. "Oh, I see, you could've done it another way,you know!. You didn't have to scare me like that!",he screams and Zay laughs harder. "Nah dude, it was worth it to see your face,but there's something we need to talk about regarding me and Nessa. We're not moving in but something important happened" he explains. Lucas is obviously intrigued and curious. "Why can't you tell me now?" he asks and instantly regrets it based on Zays' 'Are you stupid' look,"because then what will we talk about on our guy day?" he asks. Lucas is ashamed to admit that amongst all the chaos,he forgot about this day, so he makes it a top priority on his list. They'll have their day while Riley and Maya has theirs. His fairly sure he'll miss Maya tons but he won't let Zay down.

"Sure, we'll talk about everything and get closer"

Friends first and foremost after all.

Disclaimer: I do not own GMW!. Just putting that out there.

Author's Note: Deeply sorry for the late update. I have a good reason. I've recently moved and things were so hectic. 

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