The talk with Riley.

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Authors note: Hi guys, I'm sorry about this late reply. Life has been quite hectic but its on track at the moment so expect updates from me almost every day. I hope you enjoy. Thank you to those who stuck with this story. I love you guys.

Maya relishes in this happiness. Her mother's happiness radiates and it's such a beautiful sight it warms her heart. Seeing Shawn pull her mom in for a kiss and resting his forehead against katy's gives her hope. He looks so enamoured with her mom it seriously brings her immense ecstasy. She never in her wildest dreams imagined her family having so much happiness. Its so overwhelming that she has to excuse herself for a moment. She goes to her room for some air because she's afraid it'll break. This happiness that they've found feels so surreal that she's afraid it's going to plummet down and burst in her face crumbling their world,that thought kills her,so she sits on her bed to try to get rid of her anxiety. She has so many issues to confront, Riley mostly and Farkle too. She loves them,they've been her anchors and lifeline her whole life but the fact that they could betray and hurt her still stings. Let's not forget Lucas and the fact that they still need to talk completely about everything. The hurt she's encountered these past few weeks won't ever fade away. She's so consumed in her thoughts that she doesn't hear the knock on her room door or the fact that Riley has entered her room. "Peaches?" Riley asks, bringing her out of her stumper. She's so shocked she jumps a bit but seeing its only Riley,she calms her racing heart. She's surprised at the anger she feels when she sees Riley but she realises its because of her unresolved Riley issues so she fakes a smile and answers "yeah Riles?".

Riley shouldn't have felt disappointment at her reaction,she knows somehow she's at fault for Maya hurting but the lack of Maya in her life stings her. It's as if she lost a limb,that's how important Maya is and always will be to her. She knows she has to thread carefully and she will but she just needs Maya to speak to her for a little bit. Just for a while. She detected Maya's fake smile and it hurts her that Maya feels so uneasy around her,since it hasn't happened ever. Somehow she has to fix this and urgently because life without Maya,her best friend, isn't something she can handle. "Can we talk peaches, please?" she asks and she knows she sounds desperate but she cannot help it. "Okay, Let's talk" and Riley can detect the hesitance in her voice and that just increases her need to fix this.

Maya knows she needs to speak to Riley but she's overwhelmed with everything. Her few weeks without Riley was in a sense ecstatic but at the same time,she knows in her heart, she missed her. When Riley asks her to talk she knows she's not ready yet. Yes she's happy for the first time in her life because she has so much to be grateful for. She finally has Lucas,her mom and Shawn. She has Zay and she loves the new friendship they have. The only thing she dreads is her talk with Farkle and Riley which is happening way to soon for her liking. "Bay window?" Riley asks "I mean in your room, bay window in your room?" she corrects and Maya nods her head and heads towards their bay window in her room. "Okay, let's talk Riles." The next question out of Riley's mouth isn't what she expected "how are you Maya?",she's astounded because she expected a heavier question but she replies anyway with a "good, really good Riles" accompanied with a huge smile "how're you?"she adds genuinely interested despite the fact that she hasn't seen or spoken to Riley in a while. "I'm okay been missing my peaches though" Riley says and Maya understands because as much as she enjoys her freedom Riley has been part of her life since she was young. "Yeah, I miss you too Riles"she says she wants to add more but is interrupted by Riley asking her "so why have you been ignoring me?. You've distanced yourself from me and I don't like it Maya". That infuriates Maya so much that she glares at Riley and very angrily states "I needed space from you Riley" ,the hurt look that occurs on Riley's face doesn't do much because she's too angry to care. She finally admits something then that she never thought she would to Riley.

"I'm tired Riley, so tired"

With that Maya cries and puts her head in her hands.

"I'm so tired" she sighs slumping her shoulders and Riley knows she needs to work harder to get this fixed

Riley feels ashamed,so ashamed of herself for hurting Maya so much. She gets up and goes to their friends asking them to join her in Maya's room because it's highly important.

This ends here and now. Riley's mission is just getting started.

Disclaimer:  I do not own the show but I do own this particular plot.

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