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The past few weeks were a disaster for Lucas,Farkle and Riley. Maya has been avoiding them as a plague. As much as they tried to corner or speak to her she'd find an escape. Its been a few days after the new years incident and they cannot fathom why Maya was acting this way,only deep down and subconsciously they knew why she was avoiding them.
Farkle,the charming nerd that he is, just ruined a perfectly working system. Granted Maya and Lucas weren't exactly dating, they hardly ever spoke but on that particular day he finally found the courage to speak to her. She wasn't running away. Then all hell broke loose. Riley apparently still likes him. It was so confusing to him, didn't they just speak and she gave him permission?

The next few days he'd try to speak to Maya but she'd only avoid them. All of them.
He didn't really think much about it the first day but as the days went by,he grew concerned and anxious. What if Maya's hurt?. She sits in the back in classes they share,she doesn't talk, she does her work and they never share eye contact. Mr Matthews was even concerned. The only person Maya associated with was Zay,which only confused him further. They weren't ever really close but recently Zay would make her smile, laugh and replace all the broken looks she would present. His presence makes her happy. It makes him jealous. Maya was like that with him when they playfully fought,only now it's no more with him.
Something was definitely wrong.

He seriously cannot loose Maya. She's literally his anchor. He needs her.

Riley was furious, utterly furious at Farkle Minkus. How could he hurt Maya? She storms off towards him,drags him by his collar and pushes him into her fathers empty classroom.
"Hey,hey... What's wrong Riley?" He asks so calmly that it adds more to her anger.
"How could you Farkle? How could you?" She asks heartbreakingly. All her frustrations turns into tears.
His flabbergasted at her reactions " what are you talking about Riles? " he replies.
"Why didn't you think about Maya, Farkle? I stepped back Farkle. Lucas even spoke to me. I gave him permission you know to date Maya, he makes her happy. Don't you care about Maya's happiness?"
That question hits him hard, of course he cares about Maya,only he realises that he didn't think about her. It hurts him that his the reason Maya is hurting. He never really thought about the extent Maya liked Lucas. He never knew Lucas chose Maya, he realises it now. How happy Lucas use to be around Maya. His face would light up whenever Maya was around. He'd act offended when Maya would call him names but his face would scream 'HAPPY'. He'd stare longer at Maya than Riley. It was subtle but he caught them. It only dawned on him then that they're kinda perfect for each other.
Dammit,he screwed up badly. Maya probably hates him,Lucas is suddenly indifferent to them. At least he has Riley,his going to fix this. He has to,Maya needs to know how important she is to them. Without her they wouldn't be a group.

He turns toward Riley, regret smeared all over his face. He hugs her and says "We're going to fix this okay?. I'm going to fix this" he reassured her. She nods and wipes her eyes letting go of him and says
"you have to Farkle, its important that you do. Maya gets dangerous when she's hurt, not to you but to herself. We need the fix it immediately"

She leaves him standing there on the verge of confusion until he realises what she said.
"Maya hurts herself?" He gasps out quietly on the verge of tears. He needs to fix this ASAP.

Disclaimer: I do not own GMW only this story plot.

AN: I'm entirely sorry for the late reply, data is really such a struggle where I live. I hope you like the story.
Drop some reviews please?

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