Chapter 23 : "I Miss You"

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"I miss you"

Chapter Text

Maya was so glad everything was going according to plan. It was rare that she found such happiness especially this drastically and in so many forms. It was unbelievable. She hasn't really had many of those in her life and ever since she's met Lucas, her life has changed for a lack of better phrase for the good.

Maya loves how amazing life has been to her, the only problem is that she's so used to something bad happening after she acquires the happiness that she's afraid to embrace the happiness. Now that she embraced it, what will happen? What will end up hurting her more? What will end up breaking her heart? Because she knows life and life doesn't like her. Not really. Life is playing a game and she's afraid she won't be able to best it.

She sighs as she looks out the window, it's been quiet since Smackle spoke and Maya is grateful for the silence, it's fantastic that they are evolving and becoming closer but at times like this when her mind doesn't stop running, she just wants the silence to come to terms with her issues. Her current issue is the fact that she's getting way to attached to him. To Lucas. And it's amazing and terrifying because she can honestly say she loves him and she's never been in love with anyone before. How does she do this? How does she manage all her emotions?.
How is it even possible for her to miss someone so much when she saw him not that long ago?. When she texted him not even a day ago. It's disturbing. The weather isn't helping her either. She loves this rainy weather, the mist on the window tempts her to draw on it, so she does that,draws a heart with her finger and sighs at the mere fact that she has gotten so fucking cheesy and that's not who she is. She's not this person at all. She's not a person that gets hung up on someone she just saw not long ago. "How is it possible for me to change so much?",she wonders out loud making the other two heads to look in her direction wondering why she disturbed their comfortable silence. Maya doesn't notice though too caught up in her thoughts. "I'm afraid of changing myself like this," she looks at Riley abruptly might they add with a very disturbed look on her face, a look of desperation. "Riley, I don't want to become like you, not again, not the way you guys thought I was. No offense or anything but I can't be vulnerable like that again," she's aware that she sounds desperate and it's disturbing her but she feels as if she needs to speak to atleast get a bit of understanding of her thoughts. "Maya what's going on? I thought we went over this. You aren't me, you weren't me. You won't be me. You are Maya Hart. Hunter. You won't change. What's going on in your head?". Riley gets up and walks to sit next to Maya bringing her best friends head to her shoulder" Talk to me, I'm here"

Maya sighs and breathes out heavily, "Nothing, it's just I'm so scared. You know?, being with Lucas is amazing. He makes me smile and I swear I haven't been so happy in my life but that's the problem right there!" she exclaims, moving aprubtly from Riley's shoulder and running a hand nervously through her hair. "what's wrong with that Maya, it's good news you're so happy, you deserve it!". "but Riley that's it. I don't deserve shit! Life decided that for me a hell of a long time ago. I know it's been good now but maybe life just decided to give it to me to take it away. My life isn't filled with sunshine and daisies." Maya isn't even embarrassed when she starts tearing up," Riley I can't deal with life if it takes away all I have right now, I think for once in my life I want to keep this for as long as I want to. Why can't life do that for me?"

Maya isn't one who cries often, not even once a month but Riley finally deduces that this must really have been building up for a long time and it hurts her heart, how horrible Maya must've felt with this tormenting her head, soul and heart this time. She understands Maya and it breaks her a little thinking about all Maya has had to deal with her whole life. Its sad but Riley knows how to handle this. She knows how to handle such a situation.
"Maya look at me. Look at me right now. You deserve this, more than anyone I know. Believe me I can't even make up to you for what you've been through but this is your time okay!" she grabs Maya's hands and takes them into her own "It's your turn to turn this shit into a boat, and sail it. I'll be right here with you. We all will be". Riley guides her one hand onto Maya's heart. "Feel that?," Maya nods sniffing "That's your heart beating, finally happy, free and dare I say it in love. Embrace it. Feel it. And let it lead you. Leave that brain of yours, tell it to be happy because that's what you'll be from now on"

"Be happy, you hear me?"
Maya wipes her tears with her arm and nods her head. "Yes," she says "Be happy and God I really am Riley. How amazing is that? I'm so happy Riley. I can't even begin to explain." Riley suddenly smiles and embraces Maya into her arms squealing, this time she's so thankful that she and Lucas never worked out because she wouldn't have seen this happening if they did. She's never seen Maya this happy heck she's never been this happy with Lucas. "Go give him a call, I know you want to" Riley says to Maya and Maya wants to refuse but she misses him so much and after all this time apart she's not even ashamed to say she just wants to see him or even just hear his voice. Don't judge her okay, she's had an emotional day. So she nods and takes her phone eagerly into her hands and dials his number,he picks up after the first ring,guess he missed her just as much.
"hey babe"
'hi' she whispers and he smiles
"God Maya I miss you so much," he sighs, and continues "I know its cheesy and shit but i miss you so much, I don't understand it. I just needed to hear your.." she cuts him off by saying 'I miss you too ranger rick, I'm so disgusting but I needed to speak to you cause believe it or not you make my life better, my day and my sleep. I miss you so much". It's disturbing how she knows his smiling from ear to ear without seeing him. Only because she knows she's smiling like that aswell. "This bonding with the guys is great and all but I miss you in my arms, kissing you, just.. You in every way with me." he sighs "this is going to be a problem isn't it?". She cannot help it she laughs and smiles the brightest she's ever smiled. He can imagine the blush she's sporting right at that moment and God he really loves her so much, "not going to be a problem Ranger, because we won't really be separated now are we?" she says.
"Never, Shortstack, Never. I intend to keep you with me for as long ass time. Forever even, if you'll allow me. You'll get so tired of me by then but I'll still never let you go,babe." He laughs and she smiles and appreciates the fact that she could do that. That's how they manage to fall asleep, laying on their respective beds, talking on the phone, smiling the whole conversation through. Happiness hasn't ever looked this good.

Who said it only happens in olden times

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