The one where Lucas and Maya talk final.

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Authors note: Hii,as promised I'm updating. I thank each and everyone that reads my story. It's highly appreciated.


When Maya wakes up to the feeling of something caressing her arm she's immediately confused. When she looked up at the source of said caress, memories floods her and for once it's not sad, rather it's quite the opposite. She's euphoric. Its not a emotion she's used to,its not something she feels often. The emotion is so strange yet so good that when she looks up at Lucas's bright green eyes, she smiles. It astounds her how much he impacts her. He makes her want to be a better person so that he can be proud of her. A person that she wish she could be and she definitely won't stop trying to make him happy.

When she smiled up at him,he was momentarily in awe of her beauty. She's so beautiful and his so glad she's his. The sun shining in her hair, her eyes are shining too and he wishes he could take his phone and snap a picture of her in this moment. He knows this relationship (he internally rejoices at that) will take hard work but his so willing. His been ready for a while now. He smiles back down at her and says "Morning shortstack" with a grin. He smiles harder at the fact that he can call her that without her taking offense. She laughs and he swears it's like an Angel laughing happily. "Morning,Huckleberry" she replies and he couldn't resist as he leans down to give her one of those breathless kisses. Its so gentle and loving that when she reciprocates she pulls him in closer and wishes it doesn't end. When air is needed she doesn't let go of him and he seriously doesn't mind. He presses a gentle kiss on her forehead and says"I'm so glad I get to do that without you punching me" he chuckles but the sincerity in his voice floors her. It makes her wonder when he realised he liked her.

She feels him tense and immediately worries that his regretting this already but when he asks her "how long have you been cutting?"she relaxes. Only when it clearly registered in her mind what he asks does she tense. She sits up immediately missing his warmth so she leans her head in his chest and replies "I first started when I was 10, that was when I convinced myself it was my fault dad left. I just started cutting. It was for me my punishment." She looks up at him and recognises the soft look he gives her,he doesn't say anything though just caresses her hair as a sign for her to continue." Then I met Riley and she found out, she tried to help me and for a while it did help. I found strength in her happiness so I stopped for a year or two but when we met you and I stated having these feelings I didn't know how to express. I started cutting again, knowing I wouldn't ever tell Riley about these feelings I had, I had noone to talk to so I kept on cutting whenever my feelings overwhelmed me. Which was quite often. Zay was such a great friend when he found out. He tried helping me but I just couldn't stop. I did stop for a day and he was so proud of me. I cut the next day and he was so understanding" she finishes and he nods along with her understanding her. He pulled her closer and just holds her "I understand and you won't believe how grateful I am for Zay. He helped you and I'll forever be in his debt". He looks into her eyes and says "promise me when things get too much for you, you call me okay?. I want to be the one to help." She knows he needs this because he missed out so much so she nods and when he kisses her with so much desire and passion she's certain of his feelings for her.

The intensity of the kiss almost blows her away,but when she feels water on her face she realises his crying. She breaks the kiss and wipes his tears and all he can do is apologise for all the hurt he caused her. "I'm sorry I've hurt you Maya. I swear to you,I'll try my very hardest to not hurt you".

"I forgive you Lucas, you know I do" she assures him.

He pulls her closer and honestly wishes they could remain where they are with no interruptions but his filled with happiness knowing this relationship they have is something that will be forever. He hopes it will be.

Disclaimer: I do not own GMW,I definitely wish I owned it.

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