Chapter 27: The Epilogue.

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Chapter 27: The Epilogue.

The tension was extremely high in the air, it was so palpable that one could picture it as a balloon and burst it with a needle, letting all that tension out. The white walls of the buildings has images of cleanliness, brains, bodie;needless to say the hospital they're at embodied too much tension. Maya deemed that as both a good and bad thing, she could feel her heart beating rapidly and honestly she's ever been so scared before. Her brain naturally thought of all the things that could go bad instead of the good. What if she does?, what if this was something that life had planned for her? Is life finally done with her?, she casts a look onto the bench not too far from where she's standing and instantly calms when Lucas is already facing her with concern and yet still calm as if he knew how bad she was stressing. She calmed down a bit and looked further, searching for everyone else. Riley, Topanga, Corey, Eric, Josh, Auggie, Practically everyone they consider family,all waiting anxiously but if you looked closely you could feel the excitement radiating from them.

Maya calmed down, this was a good thing. Everything will be fine that is until she heard the screams get a little louder, the voice of said screaming person? None other than Mrs Katy Hunter, currently in a hospital room screaming her lungs up, trying to push a baby boy out of her vagina. At first Maya wasn't as happy about this pregnancy as the others was, she just received love from a father figure that considers her as his, to have that be transferred onto something or rather someone with half his DNA? How could she ever compete with that?. Maya was devastated, on one hand she was so happy for them on the other she felt as if her life was falling apart. It resulted in Maya not really communicating with everyone including her boyfriend, which caused more problems and arguments. She remembers that day so well.

Lucas has had enough of Maya ignoring him, he just wants to be there for her. Why does she have to be so damn stubborn?. He loves her he really does but dammit why wouldn't she let him be there for her? After almost a year of dating, she sometimes forgets to speak to Lucas about things that worries her. He ends up going to her house knocking on the door and he intended on yelling but he couldn't for the life of him remember why he was so angr when the face looking back at him was so beautiful. Mayas' hair shone so bright giving of those perfect golden waves, his hands ached to just run through it,so he did just that because he remembered he could as he is the boyriend after all. He takes her face into his hands and just as any other time takes a step further and kisses her soft luscious lips. He takes a bit of her bottom lip because he just missed kissing her and it's just so amazing. When he let's her go, his breath is a little too raged,so he puts his forehead onto hers and whispers an breathless "Hey" and she follows that with a laugh. "Huckleberry, what are you doing here?". Following that he enters into her home and demands she stop ignoring him, he misses her and that he wants to be there for her. Ever so stubborn she plays innocent and refuses to answer. It was followed by a heated argument and she broke into tears when he left to get some air, thinking his leaving her and she broke her walls and told him her reason. Needless to say it ended up in a heated make our session and right after that it went straight to the bedroom.

Damn she loved him.

She's taken out of her memory when she hears her father Shawn Hunter, running out screaming excitedly. "It's a Girl" "I'm another Father".
She let's out a breath and finally finally let's go of the last bit of stress. She has a little sister, a sister you have to look out for. Her own little Riley. She thinks she has that part down perfectly. She ends up running to her mom just to see how her moms doing. And comes into contact with the brightest blue eyes she's ever seen, looking up at her with pure love and she's so proud to have Katy as her mother. So so grateful. She looks down at the little bundle and she has the exact same eyes. It's perfect. "She has that eyes that'll ruin a guys life, just like you did mine Shortstack". Lucas comes out of nowhere and whispers into her ear as if she ruined his life, she laughs and he hugs her close to him because really if she ruined him, he wouldn't mind as long as he ruined her too,which his sure happened. He wouldn't let anyone else ruin him as much as she ruined him, but I guess you know love is full of surprises. He just hopes he doesn't end up loosing something this precious. Maya is his forever. Always will be. His so so damn sure about it. Like Hanna and Caleb, in pretty little liars, that's how sure he is. One day he hopes he'll be more than just a boyfriend but so much more in the future.  He plans on it.

As soon as everyone gathered around, the one question they all had was what's the name of the newest Hunter member?

"Guys please welcome Penelope Hunter, after my first daughter Maya Penelope Hunter"

Life was wonderful. Full of surprises and yet she found her life filled with both happiness and sadness. She wouldn't want to change anything.

Life brought her the journey to figure out who she is and who she loves truly.

Life's journey was filled with love.

And she loves her life.

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