Chapter 26: The One With All The Happiness And Love

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Riley prides herself in a lot of things, such as : being cheerful, gullible, a good friend, a listener and most of all a fixer but this was something she never expected of Charlie. She never expected Charlie, simple as that. She crushed on him yes, and perhaps for a while she thought he wasn't right for her but this just plainly shocked her to the core and the best part of it is that she's so damn happy. For a long while she thought she wouldn't be able to make amends, she really wanted to give up and if by some means Charlie ended up still refusing to forgive her, she would have decided to let him go, for his sake because she just wants her friends or crush to be happy. When she hears him ask that question, she's speechless and let it be known Riley is not one to be quiet and yet here she is stunned. Truly stunned.

She did provide him with two tickets yes, but she thought that perhaps he'd like to take one of his siblings or maybe his mom. Anyone else but definetely not her. She thought she could always see through people,know all about them just by having one conversation with them but as expected Charlie was always such a mystery and up to this day he still manages to surprise her, so naturally she gapes at him, opening and closing her mouth like a goldfish because honestly she's just stunned alright. She knows she looks like some fool but she doesn't care and anyway she's Riley afterall.

It really wouldn't make a difference how she acts now would it?

In any case, she ends up, finally after a lot of gaping and thought, opens her mouth and forms a sentence "What?" she clears her throat and explains "I just thought you'd maybe take someone else, you know that's close to you". She gives him such a confused look because she's confused. He laughs and it's so contagious she feels the corners of her lips tug up as well, forming into a smile. His so cute, and his so handsome, she swears she can look at him and not get tired of it. When he laughs she feels as if she accomplished something magnificent, it may seem miniscule to the world but to her it means everything.
"Are you kidding?" he says after he clearly deprived the world of the sun as he stops laughing, "Why would I want to take someone else when you so kindly got the tickets for me?". He takes her hands into his once again and continues "you remembered such a personal aspect of me, and I didn't expect you to remember because you were so caught up into your Lucas drama" he says staring into her eyes and she feels as if he can see into her soul.

I know sappy right? But who cares this moment is hers and she'll be as sappy as she'd like.

"For you to remember something that holds so much importance to me, I wouldn't want to let someone like you go. So if you dont mind, would you like to go with me to my dad so I can brag about how wonderful you are?" he asks with finality and a smirk evident on his lips that he just kissed her with not so long ago.
"Sure," she says "but only on one condition" with a prominent smirk that somehow manages to mimic his.
"And what is this condition?" he asks and she can somehow detect just a hint of nerves lacing his voice. She laughs and then with confidence says "I go as you girlfriend and this time we do this right" she finalizes and watches with optimistic behavior believe on her face. She's just so full of hope that this will work out now. Her hope diminishes as she sees the frown being etched onto his face. His brows is furrowed as if he just heard the worst news as if her question was filled with disgust,she feels her heart suddenly beating way to fast.

She's afraid of rejection okay? Do not judge her.

"No," he says. "This is not the way it's suppose to go. You don't ask me. Damn it Riley, I was getting to that and you decided to just ask me before I got the chance to do it" he says with anger and he continues "I say no, because I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend" and with that she's so estatic that she smiles and he can barely hear her say it and yet he does, "yes". The next thing you know his happily smiling, crabbing her face into his palms and kissing her like his life depends on it. She feels his hand escalate towards her neck, pulling her just a tad closer to get a feel of her lips closer and she can truly say this was happiness she never knew, she would gladly skip her class this time for this happiness.

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