Turning unresolved issues to resolved.

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He sometimes hates fate because it was that moment when he arrived that he realises fate brought him to Maya as soon as she finished cutting herself. He realises its kind of like that phrase 'seeing is believing' and he finally understands how Maya has been feeling these past few weeks. It never hit him that Maya's life was this bad because if it wasn't she wouldn't harm herself. Only now does he realise how it kind of adds up. She's been wearing these long sleeve shirts these past few weeks,well when he saw her that is. She'd shy away from people as if they'd bully her when he knows she can take them on by herself. Its unnerving to say the least. He always thought he'd protect her in his own Farkle nerdy way,that he'd never allow her to wallow in her insecurities and pain. Not since childhood. This was the first time since childhood that he sees her this vulnerable and as she faints in front of him, he feels as if its his fault. Only because he couldn't help her,he didn't acknowledge her and now she's literally on the floor in pain. His chest suddenly tightens and he thinks maybe its desperation,helplessness. He takes a look at Zay and he sees the concern he has for Maya and that's exactly why he can't bring himself to hate Zay instead he admires and appreciates Zay because while he couldn't be there for Maya, at least Zay was. He never considered Zay to be one of the smart ones but he realises that maybe Zay is one of the smart ones because after all he was there for Maya when no one else could be there for her. He goes over to Zay, gives him a genuine hug and says "Thank You for being there for her Zay" and Zay understands his inner turmoil. He knows how hard it must have been for Farkle to tell him that so it touches him. "Always Farkle,Always" he replies because even though Lucas is his best friend, Maya holds such a special place in his heart because he understands her. He sees the pain and abandonment and while he doesn't approve of her abandoning and isolating herself, he decided to be there to assure her that she's never alone. To him she really isn't.


At home Lucas cannot sleep, he doesn't understand why his so restless. He just cannot fall asleep. He checks his phone for any messages or phonecalls that could explain why his suddenly so restless only there's nothing. His mind wanders though and he thinks what if Maya's hurt. Its insane but he realises that as much as he tries to deny it his weirdly connected to her subconsciously. His gut literally tells him that something's wrong with Maya.
His frustrated to say the least because while he likes Maya, she's been avoiding him nonstop and all he wants to do is stop her,grab her and just get lost in her. He dreams about her and how she'd taste,the feel of her lips on his and in those dreams he feels bliss. He feels content but he cannot touch her because she's been avoiding him. He just wants to hold her,to assure her that she's it. Not Riley, not Missy no one but her. He tries Riley's number first to find out if she knows anything because he cannot stop his heart from beating as fast as it is. She denies and says she hasn't heard from Maya in a long while. He sheepishly feels bad and mutters out a sorry. Next he phones Zay,because he realises how stupid it was to phone Riley when Zay is always with Maya. As Zay picks up the phone breathless he knows something is definitely wrong. He runs out, not saying a word to his parents but not worried in the least, towards Maya's house. When he reaches her house, he realises Katy must be working nightshift. Regardless,he enters and reaches Maya's door and the sight in front of him makes his knees weak. He rushes towards Maya,pulls her into his arms. "Farkle, get me a wet cloth,cold immediately. She's burning up" he screams and Farkle hops into action. He turns towards Zay, "Help me put her in bed. Lie her down" he asks and Zay does what he says. Farkle arrives with the cloth and water and he dabs Maya's for head with it. As soon as Maya's temperature dies down. Lucas slumps and breaths relieved. "God, if she ended up unconscious or even worse dead I don't know what I'd do" he confessed and suddenly Zay and Farkle sees the pain behind his eyes. How desperate he seems and they realise how much Lucas cares. "You really care about her don't you?" Zay breathes and Lucas replies "Yeah, so much,you know I never even chose Riley, I did what I thought was best for everyone but instead it ruined us". Farkle, the ever contemplative one, ends up sighing and admitting " Me too,I never thought I could hurt Maya, only I did and I regret not understanding her feelings. They're both important to me and yet I decided to chose Riley and I'm so sorry Maya, and to you guys too. We'll work this out I promise."

They all turn to each other with assurance. They're fine,better than fine. Yes they have many things to talk about but they'll be fine. Great even. They'll be much more mature about these situations and so much more happy.

Disclaimer : I do not own Girl Meets World, but I do own this sickishly good plot.

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