Love,life and worries

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Chapter 17.

The next day is essentially a blur for the group. Everything has finally calmed itself down. Everyone has seemed to be

settled. Maya was reincorporated into their group taking her rightful place,right by Riley and next to Lucas's, always. Zay,as usual is a constant, calm and may not look clever but is quite the genius when it comes to advice and guidance. Lucas, well his never really been happier. He has his girl right by his side. He gets to hold her hand(even if she protests,he knows she loves it when he takes control),kiss her (in which she's highly afraid of being seen as apparently, suddenly 'soft',so being the dutiful boyfriend, he keeps it to a minimum. What they do behind close doors would contradict that statement). In simple words Lucas has never been this happy before in his life and it makes him wonder as to why they took this long to get to this place?, why did he take such a freaking long time to have a taste of this perfection?. He promises himself to never let this go. This immense happiness he feels. That love and trust and yes he may be young but damn it all if this is just 'puppy love' he cannot wait for the real thing. He just prays it remains being with Maya.

Maya notices though a few things that doesn't sit well with her. It literally doesn't make sense. It's surprising to see that despite her not being in their proximity for weeks, most times, she's the only one to figure out that there's actually something that's been bugging Farkle. Something important it seems. Its surprising that Maya still knows them so well.

Farkle has been itchy these past few classes. He hardly answers questions as aptly as he used to,it may not have been as obvious since he does make sure he answers seven questions each class( yes she counted and its every class just seven),it would only be noticed if you actually paid close attention. He has been lost in his own thoughts and has been scribbling notes,astoundingly not about history. Cue the confusion. Naturally she worried until she was instantly distracted by an intriguing scene happening by Riley's locker. The expression on Riley's face is what confuses and intrigues her. It's an expression of pure adoration as well as jealousy? with that Maya takes a look at the reason Riley's face is filled with jealousy and she's a bit skeptical. Charlie Gardner is being flirted up by none other than Missy Bradford.

Maya is skeptical mainly because she's known Charlie to be a guy that is faithful and what Riley did to him was something she knows one can't just let go of. She loves Riley with her whole heart but the fact that Riley used him to get Lucas jealous is what makes Maya worried about the outcome of this situation. She's been at the point in which Charlie is at,at the moment, hell she's basically a professional since she's felt it for years. Maya knows Riley never really intended to hurt him. It's not in her to do that but she did and its a disastrous thing for him to actually forgive her or even trust her again, let alone date her and that's what Riley's been wanting. She can see it written in her face. That longing, another thing she's all

too familiar with. Riley seems to have gotten herself into a problem.

Did she really miss that much when she was gone?. Farkle being distant and obviously something happened between Riley and Charlie. She hopes this doesn't fall apart. She's startled out of her thoughts by hands rubbing up and down her arms and her back being brought into a hard chest. Lucas. She's so familiar with his scent that it worries her a moment until he asks "what has gotten you thinking so hard?" and she worries about keeping things from him, so she utters her concerns about Riley and Farkle. "Riley may have gotten caught into some trouble with her potential 'knight'" she says 'knight' so sarcastically "and something's up with Farkle. Please tell me you see it too." She turns in his arms,facing him now, looking in his eyes for what she doesn't really know. "Yeah I see it too. Farkle has been acting strange. Riley I haven't really actually noticed any difference, what's up with her?"

She doesn't get jealous or angry at his protectiveness towards Riley because she knows Riley needs it so she shrugs in response to his question and says "since tomorrow is our day off, I'll ask her then. Maybe you can ask Farkle too since you guys are having your 'dude day" she laughs but is instantly silenced as his lips finds hers. She doesn't think kissing him will ever get old. The feelings he ignites in her is everlasting. It lights up every damn good feeling in her and she easily gets lost in it until his suddenly pulling away,forehead on hers,as he replies and says "Will do babe". He gives her a peck as he walks her to Riley's locker and drops them at class. With a final kiss he grabs her hand,gives that a kiss too and thinks to himself as he sees the blush on her cheeks:

'This is the life'

Disclaimer : I do not own GMW

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