Chapter 21 : The girls night. Part One.

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A/N okay so I know this is really really late and I honestly don't have any other excuse other than the fact that I am busy with work and taking care of triplets.

Please excuse the lateness of this chapter and thank you so much to those who stood by me and is still standing with this story. Its deeply appreciated.

On with the story...

Chapter 21

The girls night. Part one.

Riley never knew life could be this cruel. She never knew life could treat her as badly as it is treating her now. She honestly thought life would always be in her corner just like she was in its corner. Riley never disobeyed life,not intentionally,but she knows how wrong she is this time. She realises her mistakes and just wishes she could fix it and in order for her to fix it the intended needs to talk to her but he blatantly refuses to talk to her. Charlie is a good guy,he wouldn't just refuse anyone out of the blue without a reason and that's why she knows somehow she caused someone else pain. It doesn't sit well on her because she hates pain and she wouldn't inflict pain on anyone. She wishes he could just let her explain because she finally realises what she did. She finally realises how badly she treated him. It's like after Lucas confessed his feelings for Maya,her Lucas blindfolds came off. She didn't see Lucas as her Cory anymore,because truth be told Lucas was Lucas and she wasn't the 21st century Topanga,she was just Riley and it took her a long while to realise it but she did. Lucas confessing made her open her eyes and realise that there are other guys that can treat her well just like Lucas and maybe even better. Guys that will make her their choice willingly.
It's not to say she wanted Charlie to date her or anything, no. All she wanted was to right her wrongs and that's what she did the week before. She went up to him at school and asked him if she could speak to him,Charlie being the kind guy he is naturally agreed. They spoke casually until she decided to get serious and said "We actually need to talk about prom". It all went haywire after that. He refused to talk to her,he grew angry and when she tried to explain,he lifted a hand up in the air to signal her to stop which she did and he blatantly said "Riley, I don't want to talk about a moment where I was chosen to be second choice. I'm sorry,you're nice and all but you hurt me that day and I'm not sure I can get over it". His voice grew dejected and she knew,knew she was in trouble because hurting someone was bad enough but letting that someone believe his not worthy of being first choice? That's really bad. That just breaks her heart a bit more.

Each and every day after that she'd try to talk to him but he'd ignore her or walk away from her and she knew she needed to speak to Maya to just help her get rid of this guilt. Or dare she say it pain?

"Maya" Riley says after a short while of them sitting in silence. "Yes peaches," Maya replies.
"Something really bad happened with Charlie," Riley sniffs and is frustrated that this situation is causing her to cry. She wanted to be strong for this!. Next thing she knows Maya has her wrapped up in her arms and Smackle is right beside her petting her arm. "What's wrong Riles?,what happened?". Maya asks and Riley wipes her disgusting face with the back of her hand and explains the situation to Maya,also adding"I tried to talk to him to explain,to let him know how sorry I am,you know? Cause I grew up a little since then. He ignores me and I'm crying because I hurt him Maya! I hate hurting someone." She sniffs more loudly now and it devastates Maya because despite them having their difference's she knows Riley is good. Riley hurting isn't something she can fathom but this time she knows Riley needs to accept and deal with this. She's known Charlie for quite a while and she knows how badly he hurt after the prom incident. She knows because she hurt just as much after Lucas chose Riley. She hurt with Charlie and they became close friends after that. He explained to Maya how he admires Maya for not letting Riley and Lucas destroy her. He came to Maya asking her for help to heal due to this Riley issue. It doesn't come as a surprise to Maya when Riley told her his ignoring her. "Listen Riley, I know it must hurt you hurting him. I know how you hate it. But you have to understand Charlie. He explained to me how badly he hurt and it's taken him a long time to get over you." Maya says as she pats Riley's back, "you need to be sure you want him in your life now and that you won't hurt him again. Because if I help you now, you have to be honest with him." Maya says as she moves Riley's head away from her shoulder to look into her eyes. She needs to make sure Riley knows how serious she is about this. "Yes Maya, I just want to explain a few things to him." Riley says as she nods her head.
"Okay so what you need to do is,be assertive. I'm going to talk to him. Get him into a corner and when you approach you make sure he doesn't leave okay? Give him what you need him to know and we'll see how he reacts okay"

"I just need you to understand this situation Riley. I need you to know that you can't hurt Charlie after this. If he decides to be in your life,you need to get to know him because I don't think he can take anymore hurt. Let him explain his life to you"

Riley nods and Maya says to both her and Smackle. "Everything is going to be okay. Okay? We will handle whatever comes our way because we're best friends right?"
They all nod their heads, Smackle a little unsure but they'll work on that.
"We got each others backs and I will always be here for you guys. Just like I know you'll be there for me".

They all nod their heads and its times like this where Maya feels life is good because despite the issues. They have each other and that's all that matters.

Everything is going to be okay.

At least they hope so.

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