The inevitable

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His mission to find Riley was set on a pause. He realised that to break the news to Riley he needs to be gentle. She's delicate and harming Riley inevitably hurts Maya. He knows to be able to move forward he has to be honest but at what cost?. He doesn't know what love is,heck he doesn't even know what a boyfriend is suppose to do, yet he knows that its part of life. He knows Maya has a horrible life, and his heart breaks for her because she's so strong and he admires her strength. He comes to a conclusion that she doesn't deserve a life like that. She's too young to be so broken. He just wants to fix her heart and be able to show her how wonderful she really is. And she is beautiful extremely so.

He sets out to talk to Riley,he needs to fix things. Life isn't easy,he has to do the right thing and following his complicated heart is the right thing. When he reaches Riley's room,he has to contemplate how he will set this out. He doesn't want to hurt Riley. He really doesn't but the fact that Maya is hurting doesn't sit well with him. He knocks and says "Riley?". He hears shuffling and in an instant the door is open.
"Hey Lucas" she gives a shy Riley wave,that's adorable. "What are you doing here?" with a shy smile. That makes what his about to do bittersweet.
"We need to talk" he says seriously and she's suddenly aware of how serious he looks. His face is contorted and there's these creases on his forehead that makes him look older yet more handsomer. "Sure she says" she's confused obviously because nothing  serious happened recently that's she's aware of. She opens the door for him and invites him in her room.
He expected her room to be exactly how he imagined it to be filled with happiness and positivity. He frustratedly groans because she's such a happy person and he really doesn't want to hurt her. Why couldn't he just like Riley more than he likes Maya?.
Why does life have to be so complicated. He sits on her bed next to her focused on his thoughts when his abruptly brought back to the present by Riley's voice "What's wrong?" She asks and he instantly defends by saying "why would anything be wrong?". The crinkles on his forehead deepens
"Because you're never nervous around me Lucas, you look like you're conflicted and your tone of voice is serious, so what's wrong?" She statedly asks.
"Okay look Riley, frankly I'm astounded by how well you know me but I need you to promise me something first. Whatever I say you don't  judge okay?,you don't interrupt and jump to conclusions. You listen to my explanation please?" He replies.
She's very much interested now, Lucas ' the good' 'the cool guy' is never this serious. She knows this has to be serious. So she nods and says "I promise".
"Riley. I like you. I really do. You're a great person. I love your optimism and your innocence but that's really it. You're a good friend. I know you like me a bit more but I can't give you that. At one point yes I did have a crush on you but we were young and naive. I love the fact that we're friends. I don't want us to loose that. I do however like someone else" he says and looks pointedly at her as if he knows she knows who his talking about " She's great and I didn't expect to like her. She just crept her way in and I want her to be happy and if its with me then that's double happiness,but the reason I'm telling you this is because I don't want to hurt you by you finding out this from someone else that is not me. I'd like to think that while I do have my faults I am a gentleman." He finishes and looks at her.
She's dumbstruck,she never expected to see so much emotions portrayed by Lucas. It's very refreshing yet her heart beats faster at what he says. She feels it break a little but surprisingly its not as hurtful as she expected or as she heard it would be. 'Maybe I don't really like Lucas as much as I thought'. She knows who his talking about and yet she's still unsure. She isn't sure about anything anymore and that confuses her to no end. It makes her angry that all that she has been dreaming about actually turned out to be a fairytale. Not real. "Oh" she voices as she realises his looking at her waiting for her reply. 

His heart is beating rapidly but he feels relaxed. He realises what a weight all that was to carry and his just happy he got to exhale and feel free again. When she replies with an 'Oh', some of that pressure returns. He thought she'd understand. He explained it to her. 'What do you mean by 'oh' Riley?". He asks suddenly angry "look I'm sorry if this hurts you but it's reality. Its part of life. Nothing ever is perfect and while I liked you it turned into friendship. Its not like I woke up one day and said  "hey you know what would be fun? Falling for your ex crushes best friend" he screams and suddenly realises what he said. He puts a hand on his mouth and freezes.
Watching Riley freeze too.

Disclaimer :
I do not own girl meets works or the characters. Just my own plot and imagination.

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