Gratefulness and happiness.

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Authors note: Two chapters in one day. I was so inspired. I thought the last chapter was a bit short so here's another chapter. Longer chapter. 

Special thanks to my best friend Celine. She's been so wonderful and always encourages me to do what makes me happy. This chapter is dedicated to her for her continuous support


Their moment of bliss is abruptly interrupted by Zay knocking on her door. She sees Lucas wiping his eyes and she's in awe at the fact that she can reduce the strong Lucas to tears. Its astounding to her and it brings her happiness because she knows she holds power over him as does he.

She sits up and smiles so brightly that Zay is immediately happy for her. His never met anyone that deserves happiness more than Maya. Her whole life has been filled with sadness and disappointment and he knows she needs this. Her mantra has always been 'hope is for suckers' and he wants her to have a taste of hope. Ever since his met Maya he could see a past that she's been hiding. He saw through her facade and yet he kept it to himself. He saw all that she did for Riley and it always awed him. He couldn't believe that a human like Maya exists.

He saw the longing in her eyes when Lucas paid more attention to Riley than her. When he saw her taunting him with names and getting up in Lucas's face, he knew it was all for attention. She wanted him to see her too and his heart ached for her.

So when Farkle decided it was best to blurt out Riley's feelings in front of everyone,he knew Maya would back off. He felt so much hatred towards Farkle. He wanted to scream at Farkle and ask him "Why!?,didn't you see Maya? What about Maya?". He kept quiet though because oh,he knew she'd back off. He just knew Maya would walk away. Seriously that girl has been through so much he decided he'd be there for her when noone else was.

They grew close and he knew why because he understood her when noone else had. They shared secrets and their past with each other and he gained so much more respect for this short girl. She has so much doubt, hurt and insecurities that he couldn't fathom. He found out she cut and he understood because his been through a similar experience. He told her that and when she broke down,he promised himself he'd never underestimate her abilities ever again. She became his best friend. He loved Lucas like a brother and he always will but the hurt that Lucas inflicted on this strong girl hurt him. He would've confronted him but she asked him to promise not to and he always keeps his promises. He was honoured to be the one she spoke to about these feelings. He will always try to be there for her.

That is why when she smiles up at him so brightly his relieved to see her so happy. He smiles back just as brightly and greets her "Maya, how you today?"with a hug. He ruffles her hair and gives Lucas a nod and a "morning, Lucie". Lucas fixes him with a glare and Zay cannot help but laugh.

"I'm great Zay" Maya replies and its filled with happiness he has to smile at her "that's great Maya, seems like you're comfortable" with a pointed look at her position next to Lucas. He cannot help but laugh at her blush and internally his so genuinely happy for her.

He tries to reduce her embarrassment by announcing "Your mom says breakfast is ready. Oh and Farkle is here already"

She groans but his immensely happy she's happy.

She deserves it for a change.


When they arrive for breakfast,Maya is so stunned by how much she's gained these past few weeks, she loves her family. Shawn,her step dad, or is he really?. She considers him as much more than that. He loves her mom. He definitely does,she sees it in his actions. Its as if they're teenagers and in love and she would cringe but its so sweet she doesn't have the heart to. She loves that her mom is happy, she's prayed for it ever since she heard her mom cry. When Shawn's smiles at her making her feel wanted in his life, she prays more. Thanking God for never giving up on her and her family. Shawn greets her holding her moms waist and it makes her happy when she sees her mom smile. "Morning Darl" Shawn says and she smiles at the nickname while her mom says"Morning Babygirl". The love is so damn overwhelming its nearly brings tears in her eyes so instead of greeting them back verbally,she greets them physically by hugging them and whispering into her moms ear how they've lucked out and her mom hugs her tighter agreeing with her. Shawn disturbs them though by asking "what are you two whispering about?". Katy gives him a smile,pecks him on his cheek and says " We're just thankful we have you to complete us". His astounded because he feels as if he doesn't deserve this happiness but he will damn well cherish it. This is his family. He never thought he'd ever fall in love again after Angela but he did and he loves Katy so much that he wonders if he ever did love Angela. His love for Katy surpasses it. He loves her little daughter too as if she's his own and one day he promises himself he'll adopt her. She's his daughter now. He wants to do this marriage and family thing right because he plans on staying forever. He smiles and replies "Sentiments reversed my dear, I love what we have. Let's attend to our guests though". He grabs onto her hands because the loss of contact doesn't sit well on him. He greets his guests,gives a meaningful glance at his daughters new boyfriend and gives them food. "You have told your parents you stayed the night right,Lucas?" Shawn asks and looks towards Lucas for confirmation. He nods and replies "Yes sir, I called them as soon as Maya fell asleep. Explained the situation to them. They said I could stay the night" he says with a glance at Maya, he misses her warmth and he wonders how he'll cope when his home without her. Shawn nods but realising Lucas isn't looking at him he replies verbally "that's good. I always want you to protect Maya when I can't" he smiles at his beautiful daughter while giving her a nod and his sure she understands that he approves of them dating. Then he looks at his wife,gives her a peck on her lips not wanting to embarrass her and washes his now empty plate "your food is always magnificent my dear". He relishes in her blush and smile. She's so beautiful. Stunning. God, I love her,he thinks.

As he watches his family including his guests. He cannot help but be grateful for all that he has. Maya's happy with Lucas, his guests are satisfied and his beautiful wife is watching him probably with the same look his giving them:happiness.

This is the life indeed.

Disclaimer: I do not own GMW. Just clearing that out. 

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