I forgive you.

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Authors note: As promised a new chapter. Enjoy.  Comments are always welcome. Thank you for your time. 

Chapter 14.

As they all enter the room, the tension that arrives with it could be cut with a knife,not even a knife but rather a pin. Maya knows that she hasn't seen these people together like this for a while and it brings her a sense of stability as well as dread. They've been close for so long and feelings changed that. Wrong decisions have been made that affected them so drastically that they fell apart. She knows they have to figure this out and she knows it's of the utmost importance they do it soon because this could last for years and while she feels free,she knows she cannot live without them. She's always been afraid of loosing people in her life and the fact that she just gained Lucas in a romantic way that makes her immensely happy, she doesn't want to loose it. Friendships are forever and she believes that these friendships definitely are. She would definitely like to see it grow as much as she had this past few weeks.

Lucas couldn't have been more tense in this moment. His established that Maya is the one for him and as he sees Maya's tearstained face instincts tell him to go over and comfort her but his so new to this relationship thing. Everything is so nerve wrecking, add to the fact that Riley is there,his ex girl friend. He literally doesn't know what to do with this situation. Ironically when Riley came out of the room to inform or rather demand they join her in Mayas room, all he felt was concern. Concern for the fact that Riley looked devastated and that could only mean that something happened to Maya.Maya was hurt in some way and his not ashamed to admit that he was the first one out of his seat and in Maya's room in a instant, with the intention of being there for her in anyway possible. That's the thought that decides his next movement as he strides to Maya and brings her into his arms. Just holding her,hoping it's good enough. He brings her face towards his and calmly wipes her tears away with his thumbs whispering "What's wrong Maya?"trying with all his might to be soothing. He feels like his failing at this boyfriend thing but stays strong at this moment for Maya. He'll deal with his thoughts later. Maya is always first and foremost in his life. Always. "I'm okay Lucas, I'm just tired of this issues we've been having" sensing his tenseness at her word 'we're' she corrects herself "I mean us as a group". He instantly relaxes thinking that at least they're still good. He brings her onto his lap and puts his arms around her because damn his missed her scent and its crazy because its not even been a hour yet that she excused herself but his missed her. He knows his pathetic but he cannot help it. When she leans further into his embrace,he cannot help but feel smug. He realises though that his been so consumed by Maya that he hasn't been focusing on the other occupants in the room as they stare at him as if his was a famous actor. He would be embarrassed but his not because she's his now and he will gloat about it any day. He voices out "I can hold her as much as i'd like because she's my girlfriend" and that causes Riley's shock and Lucas unfortunately catches it through her expression.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Maya, I didn't mean to. You know I wouldn't hurt you" Riley says and Maya chokes out an "I know" which prompts her next question "so can you please forgive me?"she asks hopefully and Maya wants to decline but she also knows she cannot. She needs Riley right now especially to talk to about these feelings and changes happening. When Maya doesn't reply though Riley adds more desperately "I'm okay with you and Lucas you know, we spoke the other day and I'm happy for you two Maya,I promise I won't come in between you two". Riley can hear through her voice how desperate she is and she only hopes this time Maya will come back. "You said I was you Riles,everyone said I became you because I liked Lucas. You couldn't accept that I actually genuinely liked Lucas that you made me feel unimportant by saying I was you" Maya cries and her only sort of comfort is Lucas rubbing her arms in an attempt to calm her down. "I love you Riley but I just needed some space from you" she admits and Riley totally understands, it hurts but she understands,"I get it Maya and I'm so sorry. I know now that you're so undeniably good and strong. You're the best friend anyone could've ask for and I realised that when you stepped back once again. You always seem to step back and I realise that now. I'm not asking you to get back to where we were. I just need you in my life Maya. Peaches please?"

The anxiety Riley feels almost takes over fully but she's not ready to give up on their friendship. She's not Riley Mathews if she gives up. Imagine her shock when Maya utters those three words that changers and causes her heart to beat faster.

"I forgive you"

Disclaimer : I do not own GMW. Just the above story.You should know this by now. 

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