Chapter 22: The girls night. Part two. Isadora Smackle.

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Please note that I do not mean to harm anyone that knows someone close to them with this condition. If you have this condition,I am sorry if it offends you.  I'm basing this chapter on what I think i know.. Please correct me if any of my information is incorrect.  Thank you. 

Chapter 22: Girls night.Part Two. Isadora Smackle.

Isadora Smackle, isn't a normal human being. Ever since she was able to actually think, which was quite early for someone that was her age that time,she couldn't fathom feelings. To be more specific emotions. She couldn't understand why her parents would show affection towards each other. To be quite honest, she didn't know what affection was in the first place. All that she knew was the definition of the word because that is who she is. While she couldn't understand emotion,she could understand everything else. She was that smart. She knew almost every answer to every math equation. Every English lesson. She is one of those people that belongs up there with Albert Einstein. That is how absolutely clever she is,but growing up in world like this where you are judged for being yourself haunted her to no end. She was bullied to no end for being herself. Answering questions,asking questions that was university worthy. She was called a 'Freak' and as much as she tried to not let it affect her because they are stupid beings anyway, she had doubt and began to believe them. She deemed herself as a freak because why couldn't she fathom touching someone's hand? Or hugging someone? Even her parents?.
Or just when teachers are so proud of her work they give her these smiles that she cannot understand?

It wasn't until the bullying got worse that she told her parents and they transferred her to another much worthy school, a school for someone like her. That was when she googled all her symptoms and realised what she had. It was a shock and yet it wasn't. It made sense that she had asperger's syndrome.
She understood because it actually was her.  Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's, is a developmental disordercharacterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests/ that was when she actually spoke to her parents and they finally understood that she wasn't normal. It didn't dote well on her that the looks her parents gave her was what people called pity. She got along with the people at her new school, and as she was doing her debate program she met him. Farkle Minkus. Initially she thought he was one of them because you cannot be that smart and not have a certain disorder right?. He wouldn't beat her but he came close at times and that made her believe he could be one of them right?. That was also the first time she felt what was it called? Attraction. She thought he was actually cute. She never really thought that before. Ever. But then he introduced himself and deemed them as enemies. She became competitive and she didn't know it then but he made her work harder than she ever did before. She would google these feelings and what they meant and she realised she had a crush on him. It totally confused her.

Years passed and she thought he finally realised just like she did that they had the same condition. When she thought that he finally accepted that he was one of them,she sat down with him and felt that she could finally be there and help someone like her. He touched her hand and she knew that despite what she has,Farkle would be the one to make her feel things she wasn't supposed to feel. Its strange she thought. Very curious.

He was so sweet and she just couldn't not get her hopes up on someone like him. But she knew her life wasn't meant to be normal because he found out he was completely different from her. He was normal while she was a freak of nature. How was it possible that the one guy that made her actually feel alive was not for her?. She walked out of that class and told him that she doesn't belong because well, she doesn't.

He understood after that and that was a miracle in itself that he felt for her more than what she could describe. He held her that night and she went rigid but he never stopped and she said to him 'don't let go yet' and that was when she understood that she didn't need to be normal or even call herself crazy or a freak because he was the one to make her feel normal.

Which is why she cannot loose him. His been her rock when her parents couldn't be and he understood her so much better than most,so the fact that he has been acting weird has been playing on her mind. "Girls. Do you perhaps think Farkle is growing tired of me? " she blurted while Maya was comforting Riley,shocking both girls. "What makes you think that Izzy?" asks Maya. She shakes her head and states "My hypothesis is that i'm getting too boring for him. I'm not normal and he wants more" she says forlorn and sighs "his been acting non-farkle. Not like my Farkle. Am i not pretty enough anymore? " she asks and it honestly tears Maya's heart apart to see Smackle so devastated. Its been such a long journey for her and Maya cannot be more proud of how far Smackle has come, so she very calmly hugs her saying "Farkle could never leave you Izzy!? Haven't you seen how he is fascinated with you? . His very much infatuated. The best thing to really in any relationship is to talk it out with him. Always. "

Smackle isn't good with feelings but she decides right then and there that her relationship is worth it. She found a new sense of normalcy and that is Farkle. She'll be damned if she doesn't fix it.

Disclaimer.. I do not own GMW unfortunately... 

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