Maya's sadness

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To say she's been avoiding the group would be an understatement and yet she's hardly ashamed of her behaviour. They mean the world to her but sometimes things are too much to handle. Riley's problems, liveliness and her ability to have hope for people drains her. Maya knows her life needs a Riley and she's forever grateful for her but there's such a thing as too much Rileyness and she's afraid she's reached the point where she just needs space. She's learned by now that friendships, relationships and things like trust and honesty doesn't last. When she was young she prayed that she'd never loose Riley but as time went on she realised it was inevitable. Oh,yes they're still friends. Best friends but not as close anymore. Boys,extra curriculars, space became important to them. She loves art with her entire being, it's a part of her. Whatever she's feeling whenever and wherever she'll paint it. Most of her paintings she realises these past few days are sad, which makes her really think deep about the past few weeks since the whole 'Farkle blurting out Riley's feelings' debacle. She doesn't really hate Farkle, she really doesn't but she realises she always knew he'd choose Riley instead of her, kind of like every one else. She just feels disappointed in him. In the fact that while he always proclaimed that he loved them equally, in the end he lied and chose Riley. She doesn't blame him but if he just thought about her too he'd realise how much she was hurting. Far worse than Riley ever could. Her current space from Riley taught her one thing, that as much as she loves Riley,the time she's spending away from her is ecstatic. It fills her with life and dare she say it freedom. All the pressure to secure and protect Riley was released onto Farkle, Lucas and whoever the hell loves Riley. She's ashamed of it but she can't help the way she feels. She does realise a part of her misses Riley, and will always love her but right now she's just enjoying her life at this moment.

Her mom is home a lot these days. They spend time talking about life and just reconnecting. Her mother shows interest in her art, the painting after she kept thinking about Lucas stood in her room and while her mom came to call her down for breakfast she saw the painting. Maya won't ever forget the look of awe that her mother presented it with. Her mother looked right at her afterwards and she looked so damn proud Maya felt tears threaten. While it was her most raw painting, she felt so much pride after she saw her mother's reaction. Her mother cried and hugged her telling her how talented she is. ' I don't know where you got it from Maya but you're so talented. I'm so proud of you.' she said with so much emotion,Maya cried while she hugged her mom.

Shawn visits literally everyday and that makes her so happy. She sees the look in his eyes as he stares at her mother, Katy, and she loves that he makes her mother equally as happy. He shows interest in her life too and it makes her completely forget about Kermit and yet it makes her wish Shawn was her dad. The amount of love she has for them(her mom and Shawn) is equal to that of Cory and Topanga which shocks her actually but she's proud of herself for coming so far.

At times like these she gets depressed about the whole Lucas and Riley debacle along with Farkles declaration. The anxiety she has reaches full level and she cuts to soothe the pain. The blood resembles calmness to her and as it flows down her arm it calms her down. Takes the anxiety away. She feels free of pain.

"Aah,not again Maya" says the voice of non other than her recent sorta best friend Isaiah, Zay,as they call him. Ever since the Farkle incident his been there. Told her how he totally disagrees with the way Farkle handled it. He held her as she cried, consoled her and told her his on her side. Within the weeks, he found out she cuts and he tried to help her, its been working but apparently not well enough he muses.

She snickers and humorously apologises " sorry Zay, it just got too much for me" at the end she's serious and suddenly she feels tears rolling down. She really should stop crying in front of him. He hurries towards her and hugs her saying " its okay Maya, its okay." He soothes while rubbing her arm and she calms down after a few minutes. He never seizes his arm. "You're okay, look at me Maya" and she does his eyes are hard but understanding "You're gonna be okay,okay?"and she nods while he rubs the tears away with his thumbs.

After a while she composes herself and asks him" why are you here this late?"with a hard stare, trying to seem stronger after her collapse. Suddenly he stiffens and she knows something is about to happen, "Tell me now Zay" she demands and as he opens his mouth her room door opens and standing in front of her open door is non other than her friend Farkle Minkus.

"Hey Maya" he says sheepishly and suddenly she's frozen and yet so detached from everything. She faints.

Disclaimer: I do not own GMW. I'm not that good.

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