The dude day. Part two.

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Authors note: Hi I'm truly sorry for the weight. I do hope you stick around for the journey. 

Chapter 19: The dude day. Part two.

The atmosphere within the room isn't necessarily tense but its filled with serious energy that has all three guys wondering as to when they've gotten so deep and emotional?

They know logic dictates with age they grow up and gain emotional capacity and maturity but they didn't expect to feel so much at their ages.

Farkle,the genius that he is was always weird since birth. He wasn't your typical average normal guy,not at all. He always excelled in whatever he did. His marks were remarkably good for a kid his age. When he met Maya and Riley, he thought he'd finally have friends because Farkle wasn't good with people thus he could never make friends. When he grew up he struggled with life, with adapting to change but he always had Riley and Maya to help him through it. Now he cannot talk to Maya them because well his a bit embarrassed. This is the one thing he doesn't know, excluding Belgium 1831,and he hates not knowing how to deal with it but knowing Lucas and Zay's been through it he feels at ease talking to them about it.

"I'm in love with Smackle and I don't know how to deal with it guys. It's Smackle you know?. You guys know she has Asperger Syndrome and I love how far she's come. I just don't know if she'll be able to feel love yet. What do I do?" He asks the two that's eyes never left his face since he blurted out his feelings

"Okay,look we get that she has Aspergers,we thought you had it too remember?. Now as I remember its a form of autism right?"says Zay,who immediately takes action of the conversation

"Right" voices Farkle immediately. "Yes she doesn't understand emotions and its a struggle for her we know Farkle. Believe us when we say we're so glad we can help her and how proud we are of her success" says Lucas and its ultimately the truth. Lucas feels in the deepest of his heart that Smackle and Farkle are meant to be just by how they cared about each other when they thought Farkle had Aspergers like her. It was quite a sad thing to read about. Imagine all she had to go through. Despite the fact that she had it she felt the compassion and care. That's an achievement and true love right there.

"I'm proud of her too you know, she's grown so much and it's why I love her so much" he smiles because he really does love her. She felt like she didn't belong when in actual fact she belonged with him and his extremely proud of her for coming this far. "Its an overwhelming feeling" he finishes.

"This is what you do Farkle, you tell her in the most special way you know how to,because chances are she's feeling the exact same way and she's extremely confused as to what it is. Its worse for her,you know this. I know she'll feel the same way Farkle because she felt compassion and helped you through that phase in which we all thought you had Aspergers. She couldn't have just felt it out of the blue for you Farkle. If anything she counts on you to help her decipher the emotions she's feeling" Lucas says and Zay agrees with him "Exactly. Lucas is right Farkle. You need to embrace it and tell her because I swear its a beautiful feeling"

Its then in that moment in that statement that Farkle realises how great his life turned out to be. Despite being bullied and called names,he found friends that cares and gives him advice and he only ever wishes he can reciprocate which gives him the opportunity to voice his concern "Thanks guys, I'll do that. I appreciate it so much.

Onto other news, Lucas,what's up with you lately? How's lucaya been ?"asks Farkle but it's the furrowed confused look on Lucas's face that has him bursting out laughing "lucaya being yours and Maya's names put together. It was either that or Mucas and the late is just ugly" explains Farkle.

Lucas and Zay immediately laugh at that shaking their heads at his humour,when they're done Lucas says" we can talk about me later, I actually am very interested in Zay over here" he says with a pointed look towards Zay "he said he has something important to tell me and I'm dying to know what's gotten,the care-free Isaiah so serious,so what's up Zay"

Zays always been good with being on the spot. He loves the attention and the doting. It's what got him send to America in the first place that and the fighting. He relishes in being the centre of attention but this is the one subject he doesn't want to be in the spotlight for, but alas he can't escape so he tries to joke about it first "who knew this guy day was going to turn into 'talk about our girls day'?" he says with a nervous chuckle when he receives no response,just expectant looks from both parties in the room, he sighs and tells them "Okay so Vanessa's moving here and I'm terrified because she'll be closer and that means she'll be able to find fault with me here. You know I'm a natural flirt and I fear she'll regret being with me" he sighs "I'm worried she'll find someone else and I'll be left alone"

That was definitely not what they were expecting from Zay.

Disclaimer: As usual, I do not own GMW. I'd really like to own it and maybe change a few things but sadly I cannot. 

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