Chapter 18 : The dude day. part one.

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Chapter 18: The Dude Day. Part One.

Lucas is at the point in his life where he feels nothing could get better than it is now. He has Maya in his life,as his first priority and its astounding to him because his never felt this content in his life, that essentially causes him panic. He worries that it'll go from contentment to problems within a second. His not sure why but he knows relationships have their ups and downs and this relationship is good,amazing even, but he knows that once they argue it'll be like hell. He loves her,desperately and he doesn't want to loose her. Ever. His terrified of that. His terrified of loosing both their friendship and relationship.

Ever since he moved here from Texas and met Maya,his known she has baggage. Her trust in guys hasn't been good. She's pushed them so far away to egypt, that he worries she'll do the same to him. He knows she hasn't had the best life a person her age should have. Hell she's had one of the worst childhoods he could've possibly imagined and his deathly afraid that because of that she'll push him away the furthest. He hopes God gave him enough patience and strength to fight for this relationship because he knows he'll never be able to let her go. He shakes his head at these thoughts. 'No. Nothing bad will happen' he thinks and if something happens he won't hurt her or let her go because as much as he needs her,and he really does,she needs him more his certain of it. He hears his phone give a ping and has to laugh at the message he receives.

_Have fun on your 'dude day' Huckleberry from -Shortstack_

Even though they've been dating for a while she still calls him these ridiculous nicknames and he loves her for it. The fact that despite it being jabs in the past is now a term of endearment and it defines their progress.

_Will do shortstack. Enjoy your baywindow day too babe_ he replies and gets himself ready for their,as Maya calls it dude day.

This day is essential for their friendship and its not to say he doesn't love his girlfriends company, he really does,but at times he needs to be able to talk guy stuff to guys. Naturally his nervous as well as curious because Zay has something serious going on in his life and for the first time in Lucas's life he doesn't know anything about it. That thought stings because they've practically been brothers seeing as they've been best friends since kids. He heads out to Zay's place where they've planned to meet up. As he reaches Zay's place he has to reprimand himself for not visiting often. He knocks onto the wooden number 21 door and waits for a response. He gets one a few minutes later when his greeted by both Zay and Farkle,he chuckles at Farkle's impeccable timing. "You wouldn't be you if you didn't reach on time Farkle" he laughs and hugs them both,"and you wouldn't be you if you came early Lucas" says Zay and Farkle cannot help but agree. They all laugh at that. Zay fetches snacks while Farkle and Lucas tries to help but fails because Zay demands they have to sit as they're guest's. They hesitantly give in and sit down immediately opting to play x-box. Naturally Lucas wins and Farkle whines stating Lucas is so damn good at any sport regardless if it's in real life or Television. Zay finally finishes with the snacks and questions "What's up with you Minkus?"

Game completely forgotten,the tension in the room increases

"What do you mean?"asks Farkle, squirming in his seat.

"Yeah Farkle, something's been going on. Even Maya's noticed. You've been acting different these past few days, are you okay?"voices Lucas concerned and worry in his voice. Farkle has to literally take a deep breath to calm himself.

"Yeah,I'm fine you guys. I just conducted an experiment and my results are inconclusive. I've tried figuring out a few things and I can't seem to come to a conclusion" he takes another deep breath "can I ask you guys a question?"he asks and the desperate plea they detect in his voice concerns them. "Of course Farkle, what was your experiment about anyway?" Lucas ask and his turned into protective friend within an instant. Concern and worried about his friend.

"Seeing as we all have girlfriends. I wanted to know uhm...

How do you know you love someone? Like romantic love. In love love?"

That question is completely not what Lucas or Zay thought would ever come out of Farkle's mouth this soon.

"I think this is Lucas's area of expertise, seeing as his in love with Maya" says Zay looking at Lucas pointedly who glares at Zay knowing Zay knows what love is. In fact knew it before Lucas.

"Uhm well you know it's legit love when you can't stop thinking about her. When you cannot sleep without talking to her. When you wake up just to see her whatever time of the day. When, when you see her nothing else in the world matters other than them. Your heart beats faster in their presence. You can't not smile because it's instantaneous. Its love when she makes you feel like you're bettering yourself because of her. "he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck and blushes because he knows he sounds like a sap "you'll feel it and you'll just know" he states finally with a stern look that states they better not mock him.

"Then I think I'm in love with Smackle, genuinely in love with her guys and its scary. You know how Smackle is with her disorder. What the hell do I do?"Farkle asks and its the fact that they know Farkle never curses in his life that they know this is serious. Its deathly important.

Farkle has fallen in love.

Damn. They've definitely evolved.

Disclaimer: I do not own GMW. 

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