The one where Lucas and Maya finally talk. Part One.

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When her bright blue eyes opened a sudden sense of confusion occurred. All she saw was light and all she could think was where the fuck is she? 

Sudden confusion enhances as she sees Lucas by her bedside holding her hand and fighting sleep. What the hell is Lucas doing here?. Is this some sort of alternate universe where she's suddenly finally with Lucas? Finally got her chance? She's filled with sudden happiness because finally she gets her happy ever after. Maya reaches a hand out and smothers his hair out of his face causing him to stir. When he opens his eyes she sees relief flood in them. Which enhances her confusion, what's happening?

Dreaming about her has been a common occurrence recently and if he was completely honest with  himself,he'd say he dreamt about her way before this whole triangle occurred. His dreams are always filled with her just smiling,laughing even running. The most simplest things but his heart yearns for it. It provides him with so much bliss,he sometimes wishes never to wake up. When he feels a light caress on his face he relishes it,a hand smoothing his hair and it's so soft he just wants to suffocate in it. Then sudden realisation happens and his sure its not a dream,so he wakes up and he realises he could still be dreaming because she's beautiful and touching his hair and Oh God her eyes are magnificent but she's wearing her clothes from the day before not those in his dream. That means she's fine oh,thank God she's fine and alive. He takes her wrist in his hand and lightly caresses her injury. He just can't believe Maya does this. He looks back up at her and whispers "Hey". His caress ends up inching towards her face, touches her hair and he moves it away from her face. She replies" Hey,What are you doing here Lucas? " because she sees she's in her room at home, which means she's definitely not dreaming only she has no clue what his doing here. "I came to check up on you, well and to talk. We need to talk Maya" he replies earnestly. Sudden pain occurs to her and she looks down towards the source and as she sees her wrist bandaged,her memory returns. She cut herself, Zay was there, she cut too deep, Farkle was there and then nothing. "Yeah, I know we do" and she does because if he bandaged her up then he knows about her addiction. His bombed with unanswered questions that only she can answer. "Where's Farkle and Zay then? And Riley?"she questions and she's ashamed because as much as Riley tried to help she didn't succeed. She doesn't wanna let Riley down. " Don't worry Maya, they're fine. Farkle will be here in a few hours as will Riley and Zay was difficult but eventually he relented and went home.I'm pretty sure he'll be here sooner rather than later"he replies with a chuckle and yet his filled with unnecessary jealousy and gratefulness for his best friend all at the same time. "Yeah, that sounds like Zay alright" she replies with fondness because Zay really has been her rock these past few weeks. She learned so much about him and he learned the exact same amount from her. It made them closer and she cherishes that. As she looks at Lucas, she realises their talk won't be easy, definitely not. They've been avoiding this exact moment from happening. Yeah difficult indeed but first things first "Where's my mom and Shawn? I wouldn't expect them to allow you in my room." Its true because as cool as they are Shawn would protect her and he'd definitely be one of those protective dads. "They're home, sleeping. Shawn wasn't too happy about it but they knew how important this is to me. They knew we have things to sort out and well they allowed me to stay because I'm such a gentleman" he explains and while he may have a Texas rough side he knows Maya deserves more than that. "Okay then,let's talk"she responds. She just wants this over and done with. 

" God Maya, there's so much to talk about, I'm so angry,relieved, jealous and happy all at the same time. You have to understand Maya, I never ever in my life felt this way about anyone. I needed time to sort things out but when I finally sorted it out, you distanced yourself. I tried explaining but you found a way to avoid me at all costs. Then I realise Zay is always with you and I don't think I've ever hated Zay as much as I hated him then. In the procees of finding you I distanced myself from the group. Everyone was separated. I even at one point hated Farkle,because even I knew how complicated things would be after he announced Riley's feelings. Believe me though Maya, I don't like Riley not in that way, I don't think I ever did. I genuinely like you Maya, like a lot. Please believe me". It surprises himself how much he admitted. He knows it's the truth,in every fibre of his being he knows it is. His voice softens as he approaches her and he looks in her eyes "I'm sorry" he voices " for all that you've been through, I know you had to do it alone for some time. I can never thank Zay enough for all that his done for you. I'm grateful you had someone there for you " he ends off with a smile as he realises she's crying. 

She didn't know how she sat through that without breaking apart. It's been everything she'd wanted to hear from him. Her heart beating out of her chest and suddenly she's crying because he understood her pain and she's in awe. How on earth does she reply to that?,instead she reaches out to him pulls him into a hug and whispers in his ear "Me too,I like you too" and with bravery and confidence she knew she had, she kisses him and oh my God does it feel delicious. Her stomach is on fire,butterflies everywhere and her heart is pounding so rapidly she's sure Lucas can hear it but damn it all she cannot stop. Its so addictive. He feels the exact same things she's feeling to because Merlin, she taste so good and did she just lick his lips and oh my god it's beautiful. Her tongue is suddenly in his mouth and he literally feel as if his lightweight. Fuck she's everything that he wants. This right here with him feeling all these incredible things for her. Its exquisite. When they part for necessary air,he wants to kiss her again and again and again because damn she tastes amazing. Instead he leans his forehead against hers and smiles, without wasting any time he asks "Will you go out with me Maya?. Date Me?". He looks so adorable she cannot even try to prank him," of course Huckleberry, You, Me boyfriend and girlfriend? " she questions and he nods. She chuckles and exclaims "Huckleberry and short stack of pancakes,who knew". She laughs and he admires her for a moment only to shut her up with another kiss and another. Resulting in them relishing in the bliss of togetherness. 

Disclaimer: I do not own GMW,but I do own this particular plot.

AN: I appreciate all the reads and bookmarks. Drop A comment about your feelings regarding this story. 


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