Chapter 5- Girl Problems

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       Jordyn's P.O.V

       It's been four days since Donatello and I broke up. Is it weird that I haven't cried or mourned about it? All I've done is sleep and go Black Shadow.

       Anyway, I was eating with Mikey, Leo, and Donnie. Then the happy couple walked in!

      "I don't know why I have ta' keep yellin' at you's fa' dis'!

       "And I dunno why I'm still talkin to you!" Jill turned around and made her way into the kitchen.

       "We aren't done talkin' bout' dis'!

       "Well, I am!" They kept arguing and guess who walked in the lair? Casey and April! They walked over to us and hugged us. Then they looked at Jill and Raph.

       "Um, nice to see you guys too!" April yelled over the two. They stopped and looked at them. Jill walked past Raphael, slapping the back of his head. He growled and she just smiled.

       "Hey guys! How was the honeymoon?"

        "Amazing The Caribbean was gorgeous!" April gushed.

          "Glad you had fun! While you were having the time of your life, I got in trouble."

          "Big time." Raph said, leaning resting his head on Jill's shoulder from behind. They started arguing again and April and Casey went back to their apartment to unpack.

          "If your gonna fight all day, go upstairs to your room!" I snapped. They faught the enire way upstairs and Raph slammed the door. I pinched the bridge of my nose and went to grab some Ibuprofen for my splitting headache. It starts to hurt after you get bashed in the head with nunchucks! No Black Shadow for me tonight.

          I sat on the couch and put on Pretty Little Liars. Leo sat next to me and crossed his arms because I knew he hated this show. We heard the door to the lair open and we both shot up; it was only Mikey.

        "Where ya' going Mikey?"

         "AH! Oh, hehe, hi...Leo. I'm just goin' topside for a little while! Later dude and dudette!" And with that, he was off. I looked at Leo and we both shrugged.

        "Jordyn? Can I see you in the lab?" Leo put his hand ovr his mouth and ooooooood. I punched him in the arm and walked into the lab.


        "I need some of your blood for an experiment. The mutagen is now in our blood and Jill's too, so now we can try to do more with the mutagen and possibly upgrade your powers!"

        "So, you just want me for an experiment? I dunno Donnie."

        "Jordyn, come on I know things between us are awkward, but its a strictly professional relationship. Please?" I sighed. Mabey some research would clear my head and it would help rebuild me and Donnie's shattered friendship. I only want to be friends!

       "Fine. When do we start?"

        "Right Now! Let me get the needle, tube, and bag." He walked over to the cabinet and got out the supplies. Donnie pulled a chair up beside the table I was on and tied a rubber strap onto my arm. A vain popped out. He pulled out a pair of latex gloves and took out the needle. I looked away and felt the needle go into my skin. I clamped my eyes shut and I heard Donnie chuckle.

        "I thought you were the one not scared of needles?"

         "It's not that. Watching your blood getting drained into a plastic's kinda creepy!"

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