Chapter 2 -The Never Ending Nightmare

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       Jordyn's P.O.V

       I swear, my life is a never ending nightmare! I got kidnapped by the Foot...the Foot?! Do you know how pathetic that is?

        "Where do the turtles live?" Karai asked me, holding her katana beside my eye.

       "Yes Karai, because asking me is gonna het us somewhere! You really are still a dumb blonde, huh Karai?" She growled and sliced me across the cheek. I flinched at the pain, but showed no weakness towards my enemy.

       "If I were able too, I'd kill you right now." She said aggressively, her katana now being held against my neck.

       "If I were you, I'd back up nice and easy, before I pull the trigger." I turned around and saw Jill with her P99, held up to Karai's head.

       "Aren't the turtles with you, Jill?"

       "Nope. I'm flyin' solo tonight." She said, pistol whipping Karai in the shoulder blade. She fell to the ground, and she was mad. She got right back up and lunged for Jill. Jill shot her in the shoulder and she stabbed Jill in the thigh.

      "Foot ninjas, ATTACK!" They came at Jill from every possible direction, but she pulled out her P22 and held the two guns firmly in her bloody, yet shockingly still hands, aiming them at the swarm of ninjas.

       "Come any closer, you'll all be dead within seconds and don't even think I'm kidding!" They all backed away and a glint of satisfaction spread across her face in a grin. She ran up to me and untied me.

     "You okay?"

      "Yeah, but they took away my powers." The swarm returned, except this time, the entire clan was there.

     Well, let's hope you remember our MMA fighting lessons with my dad." She smirked and it was weird because she never brought up her dad. We went back to back and the battle had begun. I threw the first punch and sent the ninja in front of me, flying through a glass case. Jill's guns were kicked across the room, so she was stuck using her super strength.

     "How ya' holdin' up?" She yelled over her shoulder as she clothes lined two ninjas.

     "Fantastic!" I yelled back at her, jumping in the air, kicking two ninjas in the stomach. I looked over at the wall clock and saw that it was 11:59 p.m. I couldn't help, but start to think that the boys weren't gonna show. My thoughts were interuppted by Jill yelling," JORDYN, DUCK!" I turned around and saw a ninja, jumping for me. I quickly ducked and dodged the attack. Jill yelped in pain as a syringe went through her shoulder. She showed no sign of fatigue or weakening, but here muscles were no longer flexed and her eyes were brown.

     "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish the boys were here! She said, punching a ninja square in the nose.

     "Same here!" Eventually, we were surrounded by dozens of ninjas, completely defenseless.

     "Any last words?" I saw Jill look up at the ceiling and smirk.

     "Yeah, go to hell!" At that moment, glass surrounded the floor and the turtles were by our sides. Jill lept for Karai and took her down with one blow. The boys followed and it was total madness.

    "About time you guys showed up!" I yelled, sweeper kicking three ninjas.

     "Well, sorry!" Leo yelled, slicing a ninja in the side and kicking him, taking him to the ground.

     "Jill! You're so dead when we get home!" Raph yelled to Jill as he drove his sai into a Foot ninjas shoulder.

      "Great." She said bitterly. After a few minutes, all the ninjas were either passed out, fleeing the scene, or dead. Donnie ran up to me and hugged me.

      "Are you okay?"

      "Donnie, I'm fine." I looked over at Jill and saw her hugging Raph. I limped over to her and drapped my arm around her shoulder.

     "If not for Jill, I might've died tonight." She looked at me and smiled sheepishly. She never really knew how to take a compliment or a thank you well.

     "Let's get you guys home. Your pretty banged up."

     "We were awesome! Jordyn kicked butt without her telekinisis and she saved my life once or twice! This was freaking sweet!" Jill beamed, putting her guns safely in their holsters.

      "Yeah, because you akmost getting killed, risking Jordyn's life, AND jumping into battle by yourselves is just so awesome! Your so dead when we get home!" Raphael stomped ahead, leaving Jill walking with Donnie, Mikey, Me, and Leo. She looked troubled, but when we talked about how awesome we were, she perked up.

     Jill's P.O.V

      I sat on the couch, waiting for Raphael to exit the lab, so he could yell at me. He walked out of the lab and I tried walking upstairs, but, of coarse, he stopped me.

      "Down here now!" He said. I slowly walked over to the couch and sat criss-cross. I gave him a small smile and he gave me the look he knew I hated.

     "Hi Raphie." I looked at him and he looked ready to burst.


       "Well, I wasn't gonna let them kill my best friend, that's for sure! And hey, I'm still here! That says something right?" He crossed his arms over his plastron and gave me the death glare.

        "I'll shut up now."

       "Good idea! You may be Little Miss. Independent, but we are a team! You don't just run off like that!"

      "I know you care Raph, but really...,"

       "YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" I looked at him, trying not to yell back at him.

      "Without me and my brothers, you'd be dead right now! You may have super strength, but you aren't indestructible! Ine thing could happen and you'd get taken out permanently!"

      "Raph, I'm okay! I know you're just trying to protect me, but I'm fine on my own!" I must have struck a nerve or something because face was red and his brown eyes were blazing with fury.





       "END OF DISCUSSION!" He turned around and bolted upstairs, slamming his bedroom door shut behind him. All of his brothers, Jordyn, and Master Splinter came out of the lab. Mikey ran up to me and embraced me in a hug.

      "Jill, you got in trouble for me, so I want to share the punishment." Jordyn said to me.

     "No. This one's on me. I did what I felt was right and as long as your still standing here, than my punishment is worth it." She looked at me and nodded.

      "Just because your still got a hint of blonde in  your hair, doesn't mean it's gotten to your brain." Leo teased. I gave him a small smile and walked into the kitchen. Master Splinter must've been able to tell that I was mad because he came up to me anmd rested his hand on my shoulder and started talking to me like I had anfer issues! Okay bad choice if words!

       "Raphael is angry at you because he cares. He has never loved somebody as much as he loves you Jillian. Do not take it personally when he yells at you for making a mistake." He walked back into the dojo and as much As I wanted to say he got mad at me because of his temper, I knew that Splinter was right. I know he cares, just a little too much. I probably would have reacted the same way towards him, Donnie would have done the same for Jordyn too. Everyone went to do their own thing while I got ready for training with Raph! I can't wait to see how this plays out! (Note the sarcasm!) Why does it feel like my life is a never ending nightmare?

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