Chapter 11- What Once Was Mine

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           Jordyn's P.O.V

          I left New York and am now in Chicago, Illinois. It was where I lived since I was three and I knew I would be safe and keep my family safe as well.

        I darted through the woods, heading for the place I called home. I ran until I reached y old tree house. It was a little rundown, but nothing I couldn't fix. The door was still intact, the windows weren't cracked and the insulation was good, and there was no sign of any rodents or insects ruing around. Not that I care!

     I threw my duffell bags over the balcony adn climbed up the rope that lead to my tree house. I opened the door and threw the bags on the couch. It was as quaint and cozy as I remember. It was as big as a one story house. It had a nice living room with a wind up Tv, the kitchen consited of a mini fridge and microwave, and my bedroom was my blow-up mattress. 

     "Feels like home." I said to myself, drawing in the scent of the woods. I opened the door and stepped out onto my balcony. If only Jill were here. We'd be treckig through the woods, climbing trees, sitting down by the stream about a mile or two away from my tree house. I looked out at the woods and I felt a splitting headace come along. I sighed and walked inside. I sat on the couch and pulled a blanket over me. I fell asleep watching videos of Jill and the guys. Mabey someday what once was mine will be mine again.

       Donnie's P.O.V

      "Chicago, Illinois here we come." Everyone's eyes were wide with shock.

     "Illinois?! You can't be serious! Why would she go there?" Leo asked me, confusion clouded his sky blue eyes.

      "I have no clue why she went there, but she's family, and faily sticks together. So, we're bringing her home one way or another." I looked at Jill and y brothers and they all smiled and nodded. I looked back at Jill, who looked a little out of it.

      "Hey, you okay Jill?"

     "I'm good Donnie. Just wondering where she is." She got lost in thought and walked ahead. Mikey was on the phone with Destiny, Leo and Raph were discussig the game plan for when we get there, and I was trying to pen-point Jordyn's exact location.

     We reached Ohio after about 6 days of traveling. 

     It was time to set up camp. Leo and Mikey made a fire and Raph adn Jill got everyones sleeping bags out for them. It was a warm evening, the stars were out, and everyone has gotten along the entire trip. Only another couple of days until we hit Illinois.

     We were sitting by the fire, telling scary stories, when Jill did soething really random and scared us all out of our shells.

     "The tree house!"

     "Tree house! Where?!" Mikey asked excitedly, while Raph, Leo, and myself looked at Jill like she was some sort of deranged mental person.

     "What are you talking about Jill?" Leo asked her.

      "She lived in Illinois since she was three. She had a tree house in the woods that was pretty much her home. We went to Illinois a few yers ago, a few onths before we met you guys, and she showed e the tree house. We said that we would go to the tree house if anything ever happened."

        "So, you think she could be...," She cut me off, looking strangely excited.

        "Hiding in the tree house! I knew she would do something like that!" She walked sat down by the fire and still had a thinking look on her face. We looked at her for a few inutes, then she finally looked up at us and said,"What?" Raph chuckled, Leo rolled his eyes, smiling a little, and I was about to laugh, when I got a signal on my tracking device.

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