Chapter 14- Admit it!

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     Donnie's P.O.V

      It's official. I'm in love with Jordyn.

      I was sitting on the couch, watching her look at the chip. She didn't notice I was gawking at her because my face was buried in a book.

     "Hey Donnie. Come outside for a minute." Jill said, barely opening the door. I nodded and made my way to the balcony.

     "What's up?"

     "Wanna take a walk?"

      "Sure. I could use some fresh air." She smiled and slid down the rope. I followed her into the depths of the woods.

      "So, what did you need to talk to me about?"

      "I saw the way you were looking at Jordyn. Staring at her from behind a book, so she wouldn't notice." She smirked.

     "Hehe, uh.....," She looked at me and chuckled.

    "Donnie, just ask her out....again. I'm sure she feels the same way about you."

    "Well, if she does, she really isn't showing it." I grumbled.

     "Boys." She grumbled.

     "I can't believe I'm about to ask you this, but do you have any advice for me?"

     "Plenty." She smiled.

     "Good. Can you tell me, I'm desperate'"

     "Okay, I'm gonna tell you the three steps on how to get her to go on a date with you."

     "Please tell!"

     "Okay, you have to do something to make her smile, that's step one. Step two, once she smiles, compliment her smile. Then step 3, don't asks her out, tell her your going out."

     "Why can't I ask her out?"

      "It'll  give her less time to think about how funny looking you are." She smirked and sat down near an old oak tree.

    "Okay. Thanks for the advice. As you can see, it was deeply needed."

    "I saw. Now tell me something. What do you like about Jordyn?" Well, this might take a while!

    "Well, the way her pale blue, almost grey eyes glimmer when she looks into the sun. Her sarcastic attitude makes me want to tie her to a table and yell at her, but it's one of her flaws. Her smarts and intellect. When she smiles it drives me crazy,"

    "Alright that's enough lover boy."

    "What, Raph doesn't say stuff like that to you?"

    "Nah. He's a romantic, just not the way you are. He never really tells me stuff that he likes about me and honestly, I don't mind." I saw a glint of wanting in her big brown eyes.

   "Oh, okay." We just sat there  in silence for a second before Raph and Leo came towards us.

    "There you guys are. You never told us you were leaving."

    "Sorry guys. Donnie and I just wanted to take a nice walk."

    "Yep. Turns out, Jill's great at giving advice!" Leo and Raph looked at each other and turned around. I heard them chuckle and Jill must have as well because I heard.  growl rumble in her throat.

     "Sorry. It's just Jill giving advice.... Woo!" Leo said, surprised.

    "Jill and good advice don't go together in the same sentence." Raph said. Jill rolled her eyes and walked away.

    "What with ha'?" Raph asked.

      "Do you ever compliment her? Tell her things that you like about her?"

     "Yes!" I gave him a look of disbelief and he changed his answer. "Sometimes!" I looked him in the eye and he changed his answer once again. "No. I do tell her that I love her though." Leo and I rolled our eyes and walked ahead.

     We got back to the tree fort and Jill was standing on the balcony, laughing with Jordyn.

     Then we start singing Benny and The Jets!" Jill said, still laughing. Jordyn couldn't speak because she was laughing too hard, but she nodded.

     "B-B-Benny and the Jets!" They both sang!

     "Hi girl's!" I said, laughing a little.

     "Oh God! Hi boys!" Jill said, composing herself. They both stepped inside, chuckling and whispering. I looked at my two older brothers and saw them chuckling.

     I have to follow Jill's three steps and win her back.

    Jordyn's P.O.V

    The boys saw Jill and I laughing and singing on the balcony. I'm somewhat embarrassed by that, but Jill's still laughing about it.

    Jill has a prank coming to her tonight! It's pure genius!

    Anyway, The boys walked in and Raph stepped on Mikey, unaware that he was asleep on the floor. Mikey yelled in pain and Raph stifled a laugh.

    "Hey Jordyn."

     "Hey Donnie. How was you and Jill's walk?"

     "Fun. Turns out, she's pretty good at giving advice!"

      "Glad you guys had fun." I said, walking over to the couch. Jill and Raph were arguing about whether the song I Like It Load by Cash Cash is better than Rockstar by Nickelback.

     "Both the songs suck, would you please be quiet!" Donnie said playfully. I stifled a laugh and I smiled. For some reason,  Jill winked and  she tilted her head towards me and winked towards Donnie.

     "You've got a nice smile Jordyn."

     "Aw, thanks Donnie." I saw him mouth," Step three."

     "Your and I are taking a nice stroll through the woods tonight."

     "Uh, okay. What time?"

     "How about 5:30?"

     "Sounds good." I walked towards my lab area and didn't notice I was blushing and smiling profusely. I looked back at Donnie and Jill and saw them high five and smile.

    "Don't screw it up Don!" She whisper yelled.

    "Trust me, I won't." Donnie whispered yelled back to her excitedly. They hatched up a plan and I'm gonna figure out what it was.

     And I was thinking about not pulling the prank on Jill, but now that I knew that she did something, it's definitely happening!

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