Chapter 25- This Can't Be Happening Part 3

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           (Still Jordyn's P.O.V)

            Six hours past and it was now midnight.

             "Okay, 'Operation Black Out' will conmense in exactly fourty-eight hours." Jill gave me a simple nod and took her copy of the plan to her room. I studied the plan and knew that it was impossible to fail. I went upstairs and crawled into bed, next to Donnie. He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around my waist. It took me longer to fall asleep because I couldn't stop thinking about if something were to happen Jill, or we didn't get the hostages back, or worse, none if us came back.

            I awoke the next morning to see I had woken up an hour later than usual.

            "8:00 a.m." I groaned. I got out of bed and went downstairs.

           "Its about time you got up." Donnie chuckled, kissing me.

            "Shut up. Where's Jill?"

             "She's workin' from Starbuck's today." Raph growled.

             "Why do you not sound happy about that?" I asked him.

            "Cause' she ain't supposed to be out in the city by hahself'. She got up earliah' and left widout' tellin' me. She texted me and told me she'd be back by 3:00."

           "Ah." I said, honestly not caring. "Can't eat with you guys thus morning. I have to study the game plan and make sure I've git it down pat. I will take this muffin though." I grabbed a blueberry muffin off the tray and went into the lab.

         Jill's P.O.V

         "Damn, 2:46." I mumbled to myself. I have to get back to the lair, so Raph can yell at me.

          You know that voice in your head that tells you something bad is about to happen? Well, I got that  voice while walking near the alley I always use to get to the lair. I put the nagging voice off to the side and walked a little bit faster. I was now getting a feeling that I was being followed. This made me throw my red drawstring bag over my shoulder and run for dear life!

        l got to the alley and was about to push the manhole cover out if the way, but was stopped by a sharp pain in my neck. I felt around my neck and pulled out a needle, the type I've  seen one too many times.

       "Hey Jill." I whipped around and saw Karai with a swarm of her ninjas.

       "If you don't leave me alone Karai, I'll beat the hell out a' ya'!"

       "I don't see how when I just suspended your powers." She said with a smirk planted on her face. "Attack!"

        About fifteen ninjas lunged for me. I ducked and ran out of the alley, but had someone pull me back in by tugging the back of my T- shirt. I heard my phone fall on the ground and possibly cracked the screen


       Karai picked up my phone and clicked on someone's contact because later, someone picked up.


       "Hey Jordyn, so Jill's in a bit of a pickle at the moment."

      "Karai?! What the hell are you doing to her?!"

      "I'm not doing anything to her. You wanna hear what's going in though?" She didn't even wait for a response because she put the phone on speaker and drew in closer.

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