Chapter 6- Old Friends, New Problems

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         Jill's P.O.V

         I'm worried sick. Jordyn's had a weird jumping fit and her eyes are still neon green. I don't even know how long she's been out for. I can't even look at her without wanting to scream.

       Donatello hasn't left her side, Mikey hasn't stopped crying, Leo goes back and forth (as well as Casey and April), and Raph won't stop snuggling up next to me.

      "Hey, how ya feelin'?"


      "Soemthin's up. What's goin' on?"

      "Raph, I'm fine."

      "No ya not. Tell me what's buggin' ya."

      "Just stop! I'm fine!" I turned around and heard him sigh.

      "I gotta go train, I'll come see you after." He kissed my cheek and got off the table. I saw him walk into the dojo and start sparring with Leo. I looked over at Jill and saw her waking up.

     "Donnie! She's waking up!" All the boys poured into the lab and did nothing, but stare.

     "What happened?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. Donnie explained everything and I couldn't even look at her. I was too scared to see what was going on.

     "Jill, are you okay?" Jordyn asked me.

     "I-I'm fine. J-just...,"

     "What's wrong?"

     "My head." Raph and Donnie walked up to me. They moved my hands away from my face and they both jumped back.

     "Jill, stay still."

     "Donnie, what the hell is...going on?" I asked holding my head.

      "You'll be okay, I promise." Donnie reassured me.

       "We're gonna get you and Jordyn to a charger. You'll be out for a while, but we will get you and Jordyn fixed up, okay?" Raph asked, making sure I heard him clearly. I nodded and my head was spinning with questions. I squeezed Raph's hand and felt the needle go into my arm.

      "Sorry Raph."

     "Fa what?"

     "For acting like a bitch when you haven't left my side."

     "Hey, I ain't leavin' ya side, until your back up in a few days." He kissed me and rested his forehead on mine.

     "I love you Raph."

     "Love ya too babe." And that was the last thing I heard because I passsed out.

    "I found an....," I heard Donnie scream.

    "What?! Where?"" Jordyn asked eagerly. Her eyes were still green, but she was okay...for the moment. I looked at the metal tray and saw my eyes were still neon green too.

     "The incubater is in the TCRI hideout. There are two of them." I saw his smile quickly fade and Jordyn smirked.

     "Why are you smiling?"

     "Who's up for a game of Mission Impossible?" She asked the group slyly. They all smiled and nodded.

    "Count me in!" I said sitting up.

    "Hours later, we had come up with a highly executed plan and Jordyn and I were a very big part in the plan. This was gonna be fun! We said goodbye to Master Splinter and ran through the sewers.

   "I hopped onto the roof of TCRI and got my tomahawks ready.

   "Now listen, you guys might not have your powers due to the whole charge thing. So, stay alert and don't forget to call us after your part of the plan is completed." Donnie instructed. Jordyn lowered the rope and slid down it. I was about to follow, but I got stopped by Raphael.

    "He cupped my head in his hands and kissed me. He rested his forehead on mine and said," You's two bettah' not jump inta' battle."

    "Hey, fightin' is kinda my thing." I winked and slid down the rope. Jordyn waved to everyone and stopped when she got to Donatello. I saw her mouth,"I'm sorry." He nodded and with a final wave, we were running down the hallways. Jordyn took he lead. The boys were trailing behind us from the outside.

    We stopped at an intersection and looked ahead. We saw the two incubaters and we high-fived. I poked my head out and got tugged back by Jordyn.

    "Foot soldiers, three O'clock." She was right. They turned the corner and, yea we were told not to fight, but they were askin' for it! We took em' out and we made our way to the vacant lab.

    "Loser Leo, this is Smartypants. We have reached the lab"

    "Don't call me that! And we'll be right there." I chuckled at her joke. Leo was pretty dorky, but it's that cute kind of dorky.

    The boys walked in, their weapons drawn. Mikey and Leo guarded the door, Jordyn and Donnie hacked the system, and Raph and I just stood there. He was so nervous and it was actually kind of adorable.

    "Alright, it'll take ten minutes for you guys to charge up. We have to give you these pills, so you won' be able to move in the incubater." Jordyn and I looked at each other and back at  Donnie. We nodded at him and he unlocked the machines.

We took the pills and got into the incubaters.

    We were four minutes into the incubation process when Leo yelled,"Foot soldiers!" I looked at Jordyn and I could tell she wanted to get up and fight.

    "Raph, Donnie, protect the girls! Mikey and I got the doors!" They got into their fighting stances and Karai ran into the lab with a fleet of her ninjas.

     "Attack!" They leaped into battle. I looked at the clock and saw that we only had three more minutes. I started getting some of the feeling in my body back. I looked over at Raph who was protecting Jordyn and Donnie was looking after me.

      "Donnie? How you holding up?" He wacked a ninja in the face.

      "Never better!" He said, a smile spread across his face.

     "Twenty-two more seconds Jill!" I got ready to jump out of the machine and grab my tomahawks. I kept my eyes on the timer and when the incubaters opened up, Jordyn and I lunged for our weapons and jumped into the fight.

     All the ninjas soon cleared the room, except Karai. She was ontop of Raph, with her katana held up to his neck. That made my hormones kick into over drive.

    I sliced her in the back of the neck and she hissed in pain. Raph threw her off of him and she landed at my feet. H crawled over to his brothers and blood was gushing from a gash in his shoulder. Leo tried to help me out, but I refused to show any weakness or dependence.

     I continued to fight, until she threw me off of her and she was panting.

     "Had enough yet?"

      "Never!" She ran at me, but she was stopped by Jordyn. She used her telekinesis and threw her up against a supply cabinet with glass beakers in it. I nodded my thanks to her and walked over to Karai. I put her in a head lock and held my tomahawk beside her right eye.

     "Kill her and I kill him." A very deep voice sounded over Karai's gasps for air. I looked at the doorway and saw Shredder. My heart skipped a beat when I saw who's head his sword was being pressed against.


  Its pretty obvious who the person is! Love yall. updating tomorrow, bye!

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