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Maehara Hiroto attempted to appear unaffected in the eyes of others but it also proved effective with the ladies when they saw such a sensitive and attractive boy looking so down. His best friend was also feeling down in the dumps but he had to appear strong, like a torch guiding class E because he was the male class representative.

Days without your obnoxious yet pleasing voice felt odd to the pair of boys. They never saw the day coming where they would actually find themselves sad and missing you, it wasn't right to them.

Yūma Isogai worked as usual in his café while Hiroto Maehara sat in a booth sipping on his milkshake as casual as he could be, looking around for some girls to converse with without thinking about your face when memories swirled in his mind.

It was after a school day when the final bell had gone, Isogai had to go to work his shift and Maehara only followed too, claiming he wanted to entertain himself instead of doing school work at home or playing video games.


"Yūma Isogai~!

The ikemen heard a shrill yell of his name behind and turned to see her; (L/N), (F/N). She was an odd girl in Isogai's opinion but Maehara seemed really close to her so Isogai remained reassured.

"Wait up Isogai, We're coming too."

Maehara spoke out in content, they had both been jogging to catch up with the good looking representative as he didn't want to be late for his shift, once they had caught up, they began walking all together.

"So Isogai-kun, this is why your in class 3-E?"

Isogai turned to the blunt girl in shock, watching her look forward before she turned to see Maehara and Isogai watching her in silence. She rose a brow as she looked left and right to the boys faces, watching Isogai's face begin to turn red with embarrassment.

"A-ah Gomen Isogai-kun! I didn't mean to be uh.. What is it.. in-i-"

"Insensitive? You're right about that, geez (L/N)-san" Maehara answered with his arms behind his neck as (Y/N) had once again managed to get ahold of his bag to carry it for him.

"U-uh no th-that's fine, Yeah.. We're not allowed jobs while in Junior High but I had n-no other choice.."

Isogai answered sheepishly, (Y/N) looked at him in awe and smiled which surprised the brown haired male, "That's so... So... That's so admirable Isogai!"

The male jumped at (Y/N)'s words and turned a new shade of pink when being praised for something he had originally been punished for, "I must say, we only just met but I respect you a whole lot Isogai."

(Y/N) smirked at the boy while Maehara chuckled from the sidelines, "You're my friend, okay?"

Maehara smiled gleefully, nodding lightly when Isogai looked towards him for help so he only smiled at you once heading into the café feeling a little flustered.


Isogai remained the great ikemen he was, causing ladies of all ages to swoon as he did what he could to keep his customers happy. Maehara was content in the back but a group of school girls were taking glances at the light brown haired male every few seconds, without trying to be subtle at all.

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now