| seven |

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Physical education was tough as the students had the sun hitting their faces, wearing their full sports uniforms. Karasuma stood beside their homeroom teacher while student's like Maehara and Okajima contemplated on why they were doing this practise in front of their target.

The student's counted up to eight, slashing their anti-koro knives in all eight directions while Koro-sensei acted as a cheerleader of some sorts while he was suited in a plain white shirt that had the kanji spelling Koro-sensei.

"I don't get why we're doing all this right in front of our target.." Maehara muttered out, slightly puffing as he held his arm out firmly, his muscles were slightly aching.

Karasuma approached the students after telling Koro to go play in the sandbox. The yellow octopus that was unpleasantly sulking was ignored when Karasuma took off his blazer to roll up the sleeves of his button up shirt, he loosened his tie and called out to two boys.

"Maehara. Isogai, hit me with your knives."

The boys jumped and everyone had stilled when the ex-military officer opened his mouth, "A-are you sure?" Isogai stuttered out, Maehara looked to his best friend beside him while Isogai did the same. They both shrugged their shoulders, "Yes- these knives can't hurt normal humans so if everyone here can at least lay a scratch on me then we have a higher success rate at inflicting pain on our target."

The boys were still unsure, "If you give me so much as a scratch then you can go home for today."

"Uh.. Sure." Maehara answered, he dived towards Karasuma while Isogai followed in sync. The two aimed for his abdomen but were pushed away.
Maehara swiped again though Karasuma moved aside and then grabbed his other hand, shoving him away. Isogai moved and used Karasuma's temporary distraction to aim for the side of his neck but the teacher moved stealthily to palm his arm away and push him aside.

The two highschoolers weren't successful though it was a given and they were left more out of breath than before as Karasuma remained the same, "As you can see even with little knowledge, I can handle two amateurs with a knife."

Both Isogai and Maehara growled under their breath and dived again, getting dodged and then flipped onto their backs. The class were at awe and Karasuma straightened up again, "See? While we were sparring he already build the Osaka castle in the sandbox, changed clothes and started brewing tea."

"How infuriating!"

"If you can't hit me then your chances with him are slim to none. I'm here to teach you about fighting, stabbing and all the basics to assassination."

With that, Karasuma ended his somewhat motivating short epilogue and physical education was over. Nakamura felt bored when she walked with Yada and Okano whereas the short-haired brunette took note of this, "Hey, Nakamura- you okay?" Okano's sweet voice reached the blond to gain her attention, the trio knew who Rio was thinking about but she smiled anyway, "Yeah, I'm alright."

Nagisa walked beside Sugino to get changed back into their school attire before he caught sight of a shadow from above him.
The wind blew calmly and the sun was shining behind a familiar red haired teen, allowing a dim looking light to show the maniacal face of Akabane Karma.

He was smiling, grinning down at the blue-haired boy who used to be his classmate in both their first and second years of junior high. Nagisa would say he was shocked, but that would be an understatement. He wasn't expected to see Karma in E class but also, knowing the sadistic males personality and behaviour- well, it made sense.

"Hey Nagisa, long time no see."

His voice was smooth and almost cheerful, he seemed oddly content with the juice box held in one hand, the other in his pants pocket. The class had halted at the newcomer and grew slightly confused to see Nagisa- calm and collected, well-behaved Nagisa to be conversing with this new person who held a confident aura with a tad of something else.


Nagisa didn't know what else to say and by the time he could retort anything, the red haired boy was already walking down the steps to walk on the grass towards his new homeroom teacher. He grinned when watching the males tentacles and spoke, "Wow~ So this is the infamous Koro-sensei.. He really is an octopus!"

Koro-sensei came back to his senses to answer his new student who now stood before him, "Mr.  Akabane, is it?" Koro smiled; as if he could do anything else- ever, and nodded to himself as he continued, "I heard your suspension was until today- you know you shouldn't be tardy."

Karma almost chuckled when Koro-sensei's face turned purple with a large darker purple 'X' covering his face. He mocked innocence and took his hand out of his pocket, sighing as he answered, "Oh you can just call me Karma- sorry about that but let's have a good year from now on."

"It'd be my pleasure!" Koro-sensei felt a little relieved to have such a student showing the kindness that Karma presented and looked down to the hand that the boy had displayed to hand shake. Koro nodded and moved a tentacle to place it within the warm human hand.


Karma's smile grew into a well-known smirk when the yellow liquid fell from his hands. The quiet class was frozen the entire time to watch the interaction and gasped in unison when observing the damaged tentacle when it flung back in shock.

Koro shrieked loudly and jumped away, putting a safe distance between the two of them while Nagisa's mouth fell open, Isogai Yūma voicing the thoughts of his classmates, "He-He's the fist to actually hurt Koro-sensei.. Besides her."

Karma's ears perked up at this but he was having too much fun to care about it.


I'll continue and finish this episode tonight and I should hopefully write more since I've injured my foot and i am out of commission for about two weeks *crying*

- Oriana__3 

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now