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The way down the mountain was dangerous and Okajima got the short end of stick when trekking down it. The class walked at their own paces all spread across the mountain in a long line with Isogai, Maehara and Sousuke at the front, "We can't be late again or else we'll have to do another punishment like cleaning out the flower beds." Sousuke nodded in agreement and Maehara sighed as if he was growing tired, "Man those things are like the size of a house.."

Isogai raised a brow just as Sousuke said what he was thinking, "You didn't even help."

Koro stayed behind as he couldn't afford to blow his cover to the students of the main building and Nagisa walked with Kayano and Rio, Manami treading behind slightly. She huffed as she wasn't really the most athletic person and Karasuma stayed at the back to make sure none of the students lagged behind too much.

Kouki Mimura had to save Okajima Taiga from almost drowning because of the broken bridge crossing the river but he walked head first into a pile of snakes, running away to save his life with a scream ripping from his mouth. Falling boulders suddenly fell out of nowhere when Terasaka was minding his own business as he led Muramatsu and Yoshida with Hazama lagging behind lazily and he screamed in both shock and due to the fact that he couldn't believe this was happening to him.

They ran safety up ahead when someone - Takebayashi - accidentally bumped into a beehive that hung comfortably from a tree branch. Okajima had been running the whole way down and added to his luck when he headed straight into the hive that buzzed with ferocious bees, "WHO HIT THE BEEHIVE ARRGHHHH!!!!!!

At last, they made it into the opened gates of the main building just as Bitch-sensei finally caught up with them, "What the hell is going on!?"

"Why'd you take so long?" Chiba questioned lowly, she glared at him and to the students surrounding them got back up after regaining their breath, "I ran with HEELS!!"

Rio stood beside Nagisa, folded arms as she inhaled, a slight sweat building on her forehead, "Remember when (Y/N) came down with us?"

Okano walked by slowly and stopped to smile, "She was either super early, waiting for us or so late that she didn't even bother showing up!"

Nagisa nodded and thought back to how you seemed to take it as a race against time and laugh your whole way down, ending up with mud and dirt stains with frizzled hair from performing parkour through the trees, "Or she'd stay behind and fight Koro- remember when we headed back up and Koro was hiding on the roof once?" Hara walked past laughing as she spoke, getting ready for the line up inside the gymnasium and as they laughed in agreement, everyone followed their male class representative as he led them to the gym on the far right- the spot reserved for class 3-E.

The assembly almost began before two of Nagisa's old classmates in class D spoke tauntingly, "Surprised you made it, must have been a trek rolling down the mountain!" The kids laughed and sneered at them, treating E as the lowest of the low; it was the unofficial rule delivered by the chairman to keep the other ninety-five percent of the schooling population motivated so they saw potential in themselves that was absent from the others.

The dean of the school stood on the stage with a microphone before him as he smirked towards E class who stood on the far right, the other classes from A to D also stood in their respective lines and listened when they were told to study unless they wanted to suffer the consequences - queue the condescending look directed at the junior high students in E, "Hey Nagisa."

He looked behind him to see Sugino, "Where's Karma?" Nagisa lowered his eyes a little and answered just as quiet so they wouldn't be picked on for disrupting, "He's ditching- he just stayed back in class. He just doesn't care about these things."

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