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Three days past, three gruelling days since Koro had become your servant while he simultaneously made his presence unknown to your mother whenever she stepped in. The woman was beyond relieved to find you home without the duffle bag anywhere to be found. She thought you must've gotten rid of it but you couldn't hide the bruises that practically screamed for attention on your wrists. You had refused to get out of bed out of pure laziness but also because of the fact that you had some wounds to keep concealed.

"A-are you alright, (Y/N)-chan? Where did you get those bruises?" She hesitated, holding her hands to herself while clothed in a pair of sweatpants and a jumper with some slippers on her feet instead of her usual business attire, "I'm alright 'Kaasan, isn't that the most important thing?"

Avoiding the question, your mother nodded anyway as she also felt glad that you had been in bed for a while when she took note of the empty bowls and cups on your bedside table. There were clothes piled on the floor and she stepped towards them to put the dirty clothing in the wash but stopped at your voice, "Don't worry about that, I'll do it myself- can I have something to eat?"

She had nodded again, an odd feeling going through her when she turned back around to leave, "..No problem, I'll be back in a bit."

Koro emerged from your closet, green stripes covering his face with that grin he wore when he was being a creep, "Nurufufu~! The inner confines of (Y/N)-san's closet!" Narrowing your eyes, you growled lowly, "Damn creep keep your voice down and put my clothes in my draw." He did as he was told, looking down when a shirt fell as he noticed strings of cotton hanging off of it. He picked it back up to examine the dark shirt that; as it spun in his grasp, began to turn pink and then red with stains of substances from what you knew were your blood, tears and sweat.

He kept the filthy material away from his face and placed it inside, shutting the draw as he turned back to face you, "You're going back to school (Y/N)-san, tomorrow. I can't stay here with you and you're already feeling better, alright~?"

Nodding, you felt so much more alleviated when you moved as the only thing that really brought pain to your body was the bruise that had grown more darker instead of lighter, it hurt a bit more and you got tired a lot quicker than before but you'd just had to work on your stamina again. You had so many people to see and greet with again. So many classmates to reunite with and more innocent people to mess with. You were so excited, "Whose been teaching the class then?"

"I might've sort of left Karasuma in charge without saying anything."

"Ooh~ I wanna see him all angry and maniacal with a knife aimed at you, how exciting."

The sun had left the sky when the moon came and Koro was ready to leave as he made it to the window just as the door opened and in came your mother with a bowl in her hands as she watched it's content; careful not to spill it when she brought it to you as you laid on the bed.

The bowl of chicken noodle soup was steaming as it rested on a pillow on your lap. You grabbed a hold of the spoon to blow the steam off when suddenly a familiar ticking sound met your ears, a heavy and sickening emotion swirling within your abdomen, "Before or after eating, twice a day, not to be consumed with alcohol.."

She tapped the miniature bottle against the bed side table before leaving it there, "We made a deal, I'll be watching this bottle."

You had scooped the soup into your mouth, breathing loudly with an open mouth as it burned your taste buds, half of the liquid that was in your mouth now spilling down your chin as you flinched, "ACK- Sir!"

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