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The smile had been wiped from your face when the three below you stared is fear, they didn't say anything - they couldn't say anything. The fear and the pain caused them to keep their mouths shut tight as if emitting a single sound could cause you to snap and maul them like a savage animal. They were right to keep their mouths shut, as well, unable to sigh in relief before you finally turned around and walked to the exit of the school.

Everyone in your way moved aside quickly, unable to say anything when all they could process was the fact that they should've been a lot more thankful when you were gone because now that you were back, they didn't realise the peace that they had at its greatest. You efficiently ignored Seiji and he didn't stop you, nor make a move to grab your attention but he almost felt relieved when finding you back and slightly okay; despite the wounds and bruises, but for now he let you go.

Soon after, you'd began walking home nonchalantly when you decided to veer off the path to your home to go to anothers. You were sure that your mother was waiting for you at home, it was something odd to think because the last thing you had remembered was the lack of a motherly presence in your house but you weren't all that clear nor caring to everything that she had gone through whilst you'd been unconscious and unable to wake.

So, with an annoyed grunt, you turned into another street and walked as the sun slowly lowered behind the homes in the familiar neighbourhood and then you made it to a fence, jumping over the short gate to land on the grass. You walked along the side of the home and sighed before hopping onto the veranda and hoisting yourself up on the slim pillars of the backyard. From there, you hoisted your body up and lifted your body onto the first story roof, balancing yourself on the tiles as you made your way to the window you'd always climbed into before and then you opened it.

She was there, sitting at her desk with headphones in as she scribbled her work that was probably assigned by Koro. You couldn't help smiling and then you stepped into the window and closed it behind you, nearing her without making yourself known when you suddenly wished you had remembered to bring your air horn.



She screamed immediately and you laughed, loudly. She turned around, her hair whipping across her face when she made a face of horror while holding her chest, her hand above her - what you assumed - rapidly beating heart. The laughter caused you to fall back, you landed on her bed and laid down when your tensed stomach made you falter, holding your stomach before sliding the shirt up.

"Hey, is it getting better?"

She had taken her headphones off, "What the hell (Y/N)?! I almost had a heart attack, I thought I was going to die!"

Grinning, you reply coyly, "That's gonna be Koro's job." She paused and looked at you before shaking her head condescendingly as her eyes trailed to your torso, "It's a bit lighter now. Still looks ugly, not gonna lie."

"Ugly? Me?!" Gasping, you sat up and your shirt fell over your stomach again, "Well yeah," She replied like it was completely obvious, "It's like yellow and purple, looks weird. How'd it happen?"

"A fight."

"Not even a week after waking up and you got into a fight; despite knowing who you are, it still shocks me. You should be more careful." She scolded you and stood from her chair to near you, still wearing her school uniform, she began taking off her jumper and you grabbed her phone from the bedside table to play a game.

"Whatever, lady."

She didn't reply, taking off her school shirt and her skirt soon after when she went to her wardrobe and threw an extra shirt and shorts at you when she got changed herself.

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