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Screams muffled, you flailed your limbs to get out of these putrid tentacles that grabbed you. They wrapped around you like a parasite and slithered their way up to your mouth and two of them wrapped around the lower half of your face. They blocked your air ways and tears gathered in your eyes half-heartedly believing that this would be your place of death.

The pain expanding in your brain was overpowering when your quickened heart rate forced the exhales and inhales to deliver oxygen to all parts of your body, "..-rry up- we don'-... -ve all day.." Their voices rang in and out of your mind when you were on the brink of unconsciousness. You were crying now, almost drowning from the tears as coughs were choked in your throat and you were wondering why hadn't someone heard you screaming so loudly in such a blood-curdling way but it was actually because all that screaming was in your mind.

Your eyes wouldn't open- they couldn't or they were but there was something blocking your vision. The smell of something like a dirty sock clogged your nose and you whined to yourself in pain. Without hearing much of anything at all, your legs had been lifted off of the ground to float in the air. You weren't sure how high you had gone but the tightness around your waist didn't help to regulate your breathing at all. The tentacles around your upper waist were smooth and pretty soft as well but they didn't feel nice as they constricted your lungs so aggressively. It was really painful as the excessive breathing had caused your throat to dry. It hurt a lot, as if you had swallowed sandpaper and the feeling of pins and needles were beginning to consume your feet and hands when they swayed motionlessly.

"Careful Itona, she will soon prove to be quite valuable."

"Wha.... What the- the hell, ma~ man..?" This man with that deep voice almost huffed a chuckle but you could still hear his footsteps in front of you. Eyes seeing nothing but black, your other senses seemed to almost heighten. You were really vulnerable and felt extremely anemic. The tentacles loosened a little to accommodate to your breathing but it was so frustrating because of how badly you just wanted to scream.

You couldn't scream as you could hardly let out a sentence that was comprehensible. This man's deep voice startled you but you felt way to powerless to become frightened towards him. The fear was more towards the fact that you were being taken somewhere completely unknown without your consent as they did what they pleased with a girl they took off of the street. They had just grabbed you like you were an object and something grazed against your leg.

You had flinched, a short whine leaving your lips that were dripping with drool and snot, your face was hot and as your consciousness was coming back, you were still so anxious with panic and mixed emotions swirling in your brain, "I don't care for her- I don't understand why you wanted her."

This time, it was a younger voice and he was much closer to you. The air around you was chilling, goosebumps arising on your exposed skin when you felt your own body being lowered. It was so angering. It was so desolate and lonesome, you had just about had enough. It wasn't supposed to be like this, not at all. You were supposed to find your friends and be with them - you were supposed to find them and reunite so you wouldn't feel so damn alone anymore. And it broke your heart into dust to feel how disempowered you were in this moment.

You felt yourself stopping in mid-air with the boy having ceased walking when you heard a high shrill of a squeaky door or a gate being opened. The boy moved again, "She has impressive potential, Itona." The sadness, the loneliness and panic merged within you and all you could see was red despite the fact that you were blinded. These men were disgusting, thinking that they could take what or who they wanted to do whatever they pleased. They weren't even men, or boy - they were below that - scum, it was absolutely revolting and it made you even more furious when your fingers weren't listening to you. You weren't sure if they were moving as you'd hoped they were.

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