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Terasaka, Muramatsu and Yoshida were the three problem children of class 3-E. They didn't care about that though because even though they didn't admit it, they actually valued friendship better.

It was admirable in your eyes when you had joined the class, you aspired to not care about anything but your friends because they were the ones that would be with you through thick and thin; if you only got the right ones.

Terasaka didn't react when a girl had joined their class after she had come back to school from a two week suspension. It should've been an expulsion but you were lucky enough to have Karasuma cut in with the government behind him. But besides that, you had an unknown attraction to the boy with the two-toned hair and his two close friends. You watched how rugged and simple they were, brawn for brains was exactly how you'd describe Terasaka- saying it out loud almost led to a bloody nose on your part.

You knew he was bluffing though, even though you wouldn't have been but that doesn't matter.
Terasaka was so bored in class and he hated the fact that you weren't next to him to entertain him. Together you'd both plot the stupidest plans for your teacher while pranking some students too.


"Oi, giant."

"Oi, giant with weird hair." There was a pause again, "Actually.. It's pretty cool.."

"Oi, Te-ra-sa-ka... Ry-o-ma.."

(Y/N)'s voice went serious, "Oi, I swear to- if you don't answer i'll fu-"

The teen growled with his eyes scrunched in frustration,"What do you want!"

(Y/N) turned to face the front when the loud and obnoxious boy had gained the class's attention, Koro-sensei clicking his tongue in a mockingly condescending tone that had Terasaka fuming, "Terasaka-kun! Is there something steamy~ happening in the back?! Would you fill me- Uh I mean us in!!"

The octopus disappeared in a second to grab his pervy notebook and appeared right in between (Y/N) and Terasaka as his face burned with rage, "Pfft, he wishes.." The (H/C) coloured girl giggled, rubbing her nails on her chest in a boastful way.

Terasaka sucked in a breath when realising what she had got himself into but exhaled slowly to restrain himself from yelling, "No, go away you creep!"

(Y/N) giggled again and Koro-sensei seemed hurt for a moment, palming his chest with his tentacle before going straight back to teaching as if nothing happened, "Well then, maybe you should pay attention here Terasaka-kun- I of all people know how much you need it Nurfufufufufu!!"

That was it, chair scrapped against the wooden floor as he huffed deeply before retorting, "Listen up YOU YELLOW OCTOPUS-"


Muramatsu was more silent between the three and Yoshida was there to half-heartedly keep the three together while Terasaka always stuck by them. Muramatsu would remind them about the hospital visiting times and then the three would go when they had free time, when they weren't attending karaoke's and maid cafés.

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now