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Nagisa was growing more breathless by the second. His legs wouldn't match the adrenaline speeding within him when he tried to catch up to his friend. He began to feel his skin grow hot despite the slight breeze pushing his clothing and his hair backwards. His legs began to hurt; the muscles in his calves and his thighs. His throat was hurting as the air harshly drew in and out without a thought as to accommodate to the speed that he ran, bringing as much oxygen that his heart could take around his entire body.

Nagisa wasn't a person with a lot of stamina so too much running could end up with him hurting himself but he was too decisive and too desperate to even stop for a couple of minutes to catch his breath. He could feel the distance between Karma and himself beginning to expand so he was frightful of getting left behind. They had both left, bolting out of the hospital to run through the streets, taking short cuts through back alleys and Karma led the blue-haired assassin back towards their school.

Karma didn't realise it but Nagisa had surely seen the smile upon his face in the reflections of windows they ran past. At first, he really believed that it was his imagination but he wasn't wrong after he'd seen it again. It was there and it was like a smile that Karma would get on his face whenever he saw something that made him happy and not a condescending smile but Nagisa also couldn't mistake the look of sheer alleviation in his golden, mercury eyes.

Karma could hear the thumping of his heart right in his ears, the wind brushing past just to alert him that he had to focus on what was before him. The air entered though his nose and out through the same way, his chest heaving with an intense and overwhelming desire to get back to his classroom. He knew you had to be there at the class on the mountain because he knew that's what Nagisa would've concluded as well. It only made sense that after awakening, you'd go back to see your classmates after Karma had learned how much you really cared about them in your own twisted ways. How much you affected them just with your presence.

Nagisa almost tripped multiple times over the curb and cars beeped at the two males for not properly adhering to the street laws when Karma hopped over the front of a car, Nagisa stiffly ran around it. People were walking by on the street, heading to their own destinations and Karma didn't care when he bumped right into civilians with Nagisa uttering a short, 'Sorry!' every few seconds, apologetically looking at them as he didn't stop. He couldn't lose sight of the red-haired student and he refused to stray behind, he knew you had to be at the classroom. He knew it because he thought he knew you well enough to know that after having spent so much time with you in class.

"K-Karma-!" Nagisa flailed awkwardly and huffed, "Come on Nagisa, we're almost there."

He huffed again due to the fact that their definitions of 'almost there' were clearly different. Karma wasn't puffing as much as the smaller boy, he was able to run more and go faster but the next challenge was getting up the mountain in one piece.

"Well if it isn't Karma and Nagi- Hey!" Both of them promptly ignored Seiji and dashed past the school building to go through the bushes. Hagiwara glared at their backs after being ignored but continued on his way back to class, the question as of why they had been running like that slowly drifting around his mind.

Karma used lower tree branches to propel himself further and over small plants while Nagisa ran around them when his body began to slowly decrease in speed and strength. He was really loud and his mouth was wide open to breath in and out desperately to aid to the pain of his lungs that were so close to becoming puke on the ground.

Karma didn't stop until he made it to the front door, sliding it open and racing through to open the next door to his classroom. It had been relatively loud with the banter and chatting inside but they slowly diminished as another student raced in to stop and almost faint beside Karma, "Ka-ah-ah- I can't bre--breath-dying-.."

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now