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The bell rang in the single classroom of 3-E as the students groaned when having to grab their bags from their lockers outside the class to get on their sports attire. The next period was physical education and today was most likely testing their combat skills whether it be with knives, fire arms or nothing but their fists; like they would need that for a biological alien like their own teacher, right?

Sugino walked down the steps to the grass beside his close friend Nagisa. The blue-haired boy sighed as he held his small notepad in his two hands in front of him, wearing his sports clothing with a hidden anti-Koro-sensei knife in his waistband.

Sugino looked over, deciding to break the silence while more and more students arrived onto the grass field, "So, have you got anything new in that notepad?"

Most of the students were grateful that Nagisa had taken it upon himself to list all of their teachers known weaknesses or other weird facts about him that they could use against him.

Nagisa took his gaze off of a lone cloud in the bright sky and looked up at Sugino, a sweet yet nervous smile on his face, "Uh not really, but... I wonder how Koro-Sensei would do with water? It's a bit odd but-"

"No, that makes sense, I mean we haven't seen him anywhere near water- good thinking Nagisa."

Nagisa glanced at Sugino momentarily, a pink tint on his cheeks from the unexpected praise, "Th-thanks Sugino."

Both boys stood in the sun as the whole class finally stood together on the grass, girls like Yada and Kanzaki crouching to rest for a little before Karasuma arrived with his expressionless face and piercing eyes. Everyone straightened up and watched the man while Koro-Sensei stood at the top of the stairs to observe, "You can leave, I'll be teaching them now." Karasuma spoke out loud, his deep voice startling Koro-Sensei before he giggled manically and left without a trace.

Karasuma was silent, confusing the student's for a little while.


"Naw why did you send him away! I thought we were tryna kill him, not practise with you!"

(Y/N) bellowed out loud, waving her knife in the air with a pout on her face. Karasuma sighed but didn't think of it for too long because (Y/N) was actually a pretty valuable student in the ex-military officer's opinion.

"We can't let him seeing our fighting techniques and strategies so I take physical education classes alone when I can."

"Hmmm~ That's nice, fulfilling your long lost dream of teaching student how to kill their teacher, so dreamy!" The (H/C)-haired teen shouted out with glee, a malicious gleam in her eyes, "Nagisa! Fight me!"

Nagisa yelped in surprise and side stepped when only just spotting the girls foot just inches from his face, he fell back with an 'oomph' and looked up at her frightened, "Oh! Sorry Nagi-chan, I guess it's uh... Unexpect- no ex-"

Tomohito Sugino looked around awkwardly before taking a timid step towards the dangerous teen as she stared down at Nagisa like he was her meal, "I think you mean expect the unexpecte- Ah!"

The baseball player froze and scrunched his eyes shut when a knife lightly and as quick as lightning, grazed his neck. He slowly opened his eyes to look down at the knife, following the hand, arm and shoulder up to the face of (Y/N), her tongue out in concentration as she held her smile in- making her look all the more scarier as Sugino's brain signals immediately told him to run.

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now