| sixteen |

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"(Y/N)? Why're you out here? Class is about to start."

Nakamura had heard shuffling in a bush outside of class, a little walk through the trees and followed the sound to catch sight of her best friend. She noticed that (Y/N) was crouching over with something in her grasp, Nakamura didn't think much of it and exposed herself to her friend when the (H/C)-haired girl flinched and grabbed the unknown object tighter in her hand, bringing it to her chest when she stood up and turned to face Nakamura.

"Rio-chan, you scared me!"

The way (Y/N) laughed, obviously playing off her shock made Rio's eyebrows furrow in curiosity, "What's going on?" (Y/N) seemed to tremble for a second but she was back to normal just as the bell rang. Rio watched how her friend smiled with a tilted head and walked faster as she past the girl, keeping her hand hidden when she snuck it inside her bag when the blond wasn't looking.

Nakamura didn't quite know what had happened but she swore that she could hear the sound of pills being shaken in a bottle - she concluded it was the tic tacs.


"Nagisa, I heard you have a little something on Koro- is that correct?"

As Irina continued to mess around in class; not bothered with the actually teaching part of becoming a false teacher, Kayano couldn't help but growling to herself when she stared at the size of her teachers breasts, narrowing her eyes as the elder woman sauntered her way over to the blue-haired student. Nagisa's eyes widened considerably and he backed away though the desk behind him stopped his movement. He yelped when he felt the front of his collar being grabbed, lips being fiercely placed on his.

The entire class of 3-E watched absolutely mortified when Miss. Jelavić kissed her student as she took advantage of Nagisa's shyness and overpowered him- managing to get over 30 hits in one go. Once she released him, Kayano was shaking in rage and Nakamura - although very shocked, was also impressed. Karma's mouth had fallen open but he also smiled at the sight of his friend being kissed in such a way. Maehara was practically drooling as Isogai gaped by his side.

"What a foul move, bitch-sensei!"

"Oh come on bitch-sensei!"

Irina growled and glared daggers towards Maehara and Terasaka though she had admired her work done on Nagisa when she could practically see steam being emitted from his head as he melted into his seat and huffed with hazy eyes, shaking as he pulled out a small notebook. Irina smiled and took the book, reading through the contents with a gleam in her eyes when she walked out the class without a care in the world.

There was still about fifteen minutes left of class and there was no teacher present. Nakamura didn't know why she had begun daydreaming about it but she was too far engrossed in her thoughts to stop her feet from wondering out of the class and straight to where she knew her alien teacher would be located.

"Uh!- Na-Nakamura-san!"

Nakamura froze and turned around to catch sight of Manami as her hands were fidgeting in front of her, "Oh hey Manami, are you alright?"

Manami nodded rapidly and took another hesitant step closer to the pretty girl before her, her eyes shaking as she didn't know where to look, "You're g-going to see Koro-sensei, right?"

Nakamura nodded, "You want to come?" Manami nodded, surprised she let her and sped up to walk side-by-side with Nakamura when they both looked inside the teachers office to see it empty, sighing in discontent just as there was a wild whisk of wind that almost blew their skirts up. Nakamura held her skirt, letting her hair blow and Manami almost screamed and she crouched to the ground to protect herself.

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