| eighteen |

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Nakamura Rio loathed the principal of her school. The way he had almost laughed out loud when they all heard the loud bang which was really your fist colliding with your locker. He didn't even look remorseful and slid the door closed behind him. Nakamura remembers how Koro-sensei breathed out and awkwardly made his way back to the front of the class, "Let's all give (Y/N) some time to.. cool down and continue with class."

Terasaka was almost just as angry too, Maehara could see the frown on his peers faces- his own mirroring them and Okuda wouldn't look away from her desk. Nagisa bit his lip nervously, scared of how he could approach you after class and Nakamura was shaking in her seat, silently and calculating why this happened. How this could happen and what could've happened to lead up to this.

Nakamura had finished her work and completed what she had been told but the absence of her friend had her worry growing until the bell rang and she dashed from the class. She slowed down when passing a locker to see it bent inwards with a hole as small as a sadistic girls fist. She sped up again, calling out your name and she had stopped upon reaching the toilets.

The door opened and (Y/N) walked out with a dazed smile as if she had completed a successful job. (Y/N) was sauntering back to class, glancing up to the roof before a presence stopped her. She stumbled to a stop when the blonde-haired girl stared back at her with those eyes that analysed her, (Y/N) caught her looking back to the toilet door and then to her- to the crushed pills bottle clenched in her fist and then back to the toilet, "You didn't.."

The pieces were put together in her mind and (Y/N) almost cursed at herself for thinking Nakamura wouldn't get it. The reason why she was in the toilets and why the bottle was empty after it was completely full just this morning, "I already told you, they make me feel weird- gross, whatever I'm hungry."

She tried to walk past Nakamura but the blonde side-stepped in front of her. She grabbed her arm but (Y/N) ripped her limbs away from her best friend at the slightest contact. Rio stumbled back a little and looked at her friends face, catching sight of her hollow eyes that stared at the ceiling before slowly descending downwards, "I said.. I'm hungry Rio."

Nakamura's eyes widened considerably and she was forced to move away from her best friend and let her pass without any explanation nor conversation to stop and settle what was happening.


"She was.. really different that day." Manami voiced her thoughts aloud and Nakamura nodded, her hold loosening a little on the girls hand as she laid in the hospital bed. She hated that day. It was so dark and scary for a lot of the students in 3-E- it was almost like the day you lost control, that's what they; your classmates, would call it. They also remember it as the day you got into your zone, after the time in physical education when you got ticked off and too hyped on adrenaline.

But that time was different because you were angry, Rio could recall how much you were shaking when she tried to restrain you to hopefully calm you. She was terrified and she hated to think that, she wouldn't admit it out loud but she agreed with her classmates when they voiced that they never wanted to experience that again. You had sort of become class 3-E's doll that had to be kept under wraps, you had to be kept happy and content with your surroundings and the people you conversed with. If something wasn't going your way then something unpredictable could happen and you couldn't even sympathise if someone got hurt.

That time after class, Nakamura remembered how you looked when realising that your prey had gotten away, the Chairman managed to sneak away from the lower students class on the mountain to go back to his office. She hated that you had managed to get away from her so easily and not even an hour later did she realise the true mistake within what she had done. It was second period but half of that time was spent on finding you.

"I hate thinking about that day. It's getting late- I'm going, are you as well?"

Rio stood and walked around the chair to grab it and place it back in the corner of the room. Manami was stopped and she looked troubled about what to do before shaking her head, "I'll.. I'll stay back a little longer. See you tomorrow Nakamura-san."

The blonde-haired assassin nodded quickly and waved before opening the door to leave the building. Manami stayed silent int he room, it was slowly beginning to get darker and she took a hesitant step forward, closer to the bed as she turned a little to place her behind on the edge next to your feet.

Nakamura walked with her head straight ahead and stayed close to the streetlights as she made her way home. She only liked being out at night time when you were next to her.


"Rio-chan let's go for a walk!"

Nakamura jumped at the sound of her friends yell and sat up from the couch in the (L/N) home. (Y/N) had been laying on the ground when she suddenly jumped to her feet and yelled out. She knew that (Y/N) knew that they were both bored so she got up and walked to the door as (Y/N) stared in silent, "Well come on then, where are we going?"

(Y/N) clapped in glee but stopped mid clap when she remembered her mother was asleep. They both went to the front door and put on their shoes, stepping out of the house to stand on the street, "Pick a side~ any side~" Nakamura had shaken her head and sighed again, "Let's go."

(Y/N) walked behind then next to her and ended up in front, leading her to go around the block until they made it to a convenience store and into some alleyways, Nakamura was shivering from the cold but (Y/N) was too awake and too energetic to stop or do anything about it, "Hey I found 5000 yen! It must be my birthday!"

Nakamura jumped at (Y/N)'s face, almost tempted to scold her for yelling so loud at night but another voice stopped her, making her arms wrap around her torso tighter, "Well it must be mine too cause I found two pretty little girls and my money~" (Y/N)'s hand stopped after placing the money she had found on the ground into her bra cup and stared ahead, unable to see a face to match that husky male voice in the darkness of the alleyway.

"Hey what's the big idea man? We are tryna take a walk!" Rio was frozen when an arm grasped (Y/N)'s and she let out a yelp in shock before her free arm was moving on it's own to connect with a nose, making it bleed as he choked back in surprise. Nakamura was a little less than surprised to be walking behind a triumphant (Y/N) as her bloodied fist was waving the 5000 yen note in the air.


Rio was probably half way home when she realised that she been thinking about you beside her. It actually comforted her but she made the mistake of recalling what she had been thinking about beforehand as she thought about how you were caught by Koro-sensei leaving the mountain to head straight for the main building on that day that the principal paid you a visit.

Koro had to use his speed to go back to his class and get his disguise on before he came back and found that that you had ran, screaming through the halls of the building like a lunatic until you made it to the Chairman's office.

The doors were busted open and two people stared at you when your leg was raised in the air in front of you. The principal only kept his gaze on the window in front of him as his chair was facing the opposite side of his desk. An orange-haired student stared- or glared at you and the grim line that was his mouth then turned upwards to a devious smile, it was maniacal but also the type of smile you absolutely adored.


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