| twentyfour |

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A couple of hours later and the train finally, finally stopped. It was really smooth and it didn't even feel as if you were on a train but damn it was moving to fast and the scenery around you passed so quick it made you dizzy - you were dreading the moment you'd have to come back on. The duffle bag was really heavy and it had to be dragged on the floor, you cursed yourself for still believing you weren't as weak as you really were and huffed again, the jacket beginning to cling to your skin in a really uncomfortable way.

The leggings wrapped tightly around your legs were a little bit loose in some areas as a lot of your body weight had disappeared while on your holiday in dreamland - only it didn't really consist of dreams. It wasn't something you couldn't describe easily because the pain was unbearable and you had no idea how it was happening for over a month yet on the outside it appeared that you were okay. It looked as if you were fine.

Civilians along the street were bustling in Kyoto just as they would in Tokyo, only it was way more packed in Tokyo. The people here were different as there weren't as many respectable people around as you stopped to look. Kyoto looked a little bit sketchy in some areas but it also looked like a Japan that hadn't been modernised as much as the rest of the cities had been. Limping through the streets slowly, your escalated breathing had made sure that your attention wasn't anywhere else when you were suddenly struck down. Gasping in fear and from the shocking contact, your arms kept you from smashing your forehead into the concrete though it still hurt like a bitch when your shirt rode up a little to have the pavement graze against your hipbones.

It angered you, it made you feel stupid to be able to fall because of such a trivial thing. This person knocked you over and the sound of their footsteps were faster and getting quieter, they hadn't even asked if you were okay. Your nose scrunched up and rage burned within you, drool falling from your lips before you groaned when an ache stung in your back. Your arms shook in front of you and you scrunched your eyes shut to jump back onto your feet.

Your body felt so incompatible with your mind right now, your mind was racing - hurting, yet racing with thoughts and courses of action to take in handling this because you knew that if you were in a perfect condition, then you'd already be on that person's ass like a cheetah on an antelope. But despite having the irritation of your clothing mixed with sweat and the sore muscles screaming for attention - you ran.

The person - male as you saw now, turned around quickly at the sound of another pair of feet coming closer to him. He turned back around with a shocked look and you smirked, "I'm coming closer~!!" Huffing in pain yet pushing yourself to your limit, the distance between the two of you began getting smaller, "What the fuck!?" His voice cracked as he skidded around a corner to disappear into a set of double doors when they shut on your face, "Knock knock little boy~!"

The clothing he wore was a school uniform and you heard a shaky breath coming from inside the dark building. Taking a moment to get your breath back, your lungs screamed at you to stop and rest but you couldn't when adrenaline was squeezing through your veins like the toothpaste popping out of the tube. Your hands gripped the sides of your jacket as you leaned over to breathe in deeply, you had looked around for something to open the door when you saw something astounding - the absence of your duffle bag.

"SHIT! Shit shit~ shit!!"

The door was kicked, a really loud bang echoing though the building when you heard something falling with an 'oomph' and you couldn't help but smirking to yourself, hating how you still couldn't talk right with the ragged breaths - the aching trying to make itself painstakingly noticeable, "I know you're there.." The crack between the two doors was dark and the boy behind the door stared up with his mouth half agape when your shadow moved before scrambling to his feet to run back to his clique where they held two unconscious third years in junior high.

The walk back was longer than you expected, you had resorted back to limping to ease up on your legs and the swinging of your arms by your sides had to stay to a minimal with your teeth grinding against each other to control both the spasms and the strains yearning for attention though they just kept getting ignored. After a little below ten minutes you saw your duffle bag on the floor where it had been left and thankfully untouched. The zips were all closed and just after picking it up, you were interrupted from your walk back, "Hey you! Did you get that young delinquent? He stole from me!"

The shopkeeper pointed down the way that guy had ran off too and you saw behind him to see the store, a convenience store, "Give me something for free and I'll drag him back beaten to a pulp~"

The shopkeeper faltered, his arm moving down a little when he saw the grin taking over your face - almost resembling the person who stole fro him, the people who often brought fear into the civilians in their city. He backed away a little, eyeing the duffle bag as he looked as if he had suddenly regretted speaking to you so eagerly to get his stolen goods back, "Never mind! Damn stupid young people these days.." He had turned back to head back inside his store and you heaved again to yourself with your black bag in hand.

Walking back down the street, you turned into another alley and decided upon finding another entrance to that hideout to hopefully use that dumbass as a dummy for your combat training as repentance for knocking you over. The sun was just about to set but there were more voices when you entered through a small and rusty hole in the wall to hide in the shadows and caught sight of four people at the door where you saw a small dent - the dent made by your foot.

There was a blue-haired boy holding something - a large book and a girl behind him wearing glasses; she looked absolutely terrified. There was another slightly taller boy beside the girl looking determined towards the thug high schoolers and another male standing beside the blue-haired boy as he held an unconscious male to flick him away as if he was dirt. His hair was red, he was smirking so deviously it made your insides twist because right in front of you; a couple of meters away, was Nagisa, Manami, Sugino from your class along with Akabane Karma from the main building at Kunugigaoka Junior High.


Yikes I feel as if my writing is decreasing in quality.

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