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Fourth period rolled around as Koro-sensei dressed himself into an apron while his students prepared to cook their desired meals in home economics. The different benches were filled with around four to five students per table and the stove beside Nakamura was absent as a certain pyromanic would be happily heating up her stolen food.

Yuzuku Fuma had been frowning which automatically caught her teachers attention when he appraoched her, "Something about this doesn't taste right.."

Extra keen on making his students happy and getting their approval, he sought to help her as Karma walked up behind her, "That's too bad, it's probably better to start from scratch then." He swung his hand down on the handle of the small pot that was bubbling on the stove, the boiling red liquid spitting towards Koro's face before it had dissappeared within a blink of an eye.

Taking the chance to swing a hidden knife towards his teachers neck, Karma was stopped when Koro spoke to him in an almost condescending voice, "We always wear an apron in home ec. Karma and besides it would be a waste to throw out this food when all that had to be done was adding a pinch of sugar."

Karma turned pink in his cheeks when he was frozen, a frilly pink apron tied around his waist as his red hair was partially covered with a bright pink bandana with a small octopus avatar stitched into it, "Also, not to worry about the soup as I collected it all in midair with an eyedropper, have a try!"

Fuwa took her wooden spoon and dipped it into the pot to place it in her mouth, smiling instantly, "It tastes so much better now!"

Nakamura smiles deviously at the rosy colour adorning Karma's cheeks, whipping out her phone secretly to snap a picture for her inanimate best friend.


Walking down the uneven mountain to head home, (Y/N) had already grabbed ahold of the her blonde best friends schoolbag as her own was resting upon her back. The students of the main grounds had also began filing out with their own snobby grins as they watched the E students like they were at the local zoo.

Watching (Y/N), the students either walked faster or turned the other way to avoid any kind of contact with her. Nakamura walked slightly behind (Y/N) nonchalantly but stopped suddenly when she hadn't been paying attention and accidently walked right into (Y/N)'s back.

"Hey, why'd you stop?"

(Y/N) didn't say anything, she didn't move either which made Nakamura walk ahead to stop beside the (H/C)- haired girl and watch her wide eyes, following her vision to land on a red haired boy.

His hands were stuffed in his pants pockets. His black, long sleeved school uniform unbuttoned as his white button up shirt was half shoved into the waistband of his pants. He walked alone unlike the other students though he was smirking, his orange and bright eyes were devious and intimidating. (Y/N) wouldn't stop watching him, she observed the way he walked, the way he smiled and the way the sun shined in his eyes. (Y/N) was entranced.

Another boy; Seiji Hagiwara, walked by with a smirk, raising his brow approvingly towards (Y/N) though it was a given that the wonderstruck girl didn't notice, Rio did though and she didn't like it at all.


After home economics, Japanese commenced and Nakamura could finally have the luxury of finishing something she made in the cooking class as (Y/N) wasn't there to steal it with that obnoxiously captivating yet wicked smile of hers.

Koro-sensei had been walking through the class as his students focused on the books in front of them while he read out loud. Nagisa was shaking a little with worry and Terasaka was bored, swallowing thickly at the dull stare directly at his octopus of a teacher by the devil spawn only an empty seat away from him. 

Karma moved to grab his gun from the pocket within the inside of his jacket just as Koro walked past him towards the front of the room. With the teacher already on high alert of his surroundings; especially because of the student(s) in the back, he turned with that carefree smile that was permanently etched on his face, a shadow casting over it when he placed a gentle yet shaky tentacle upon his pupils' forehead.

Karma noticed the slight flinch of his tentacle when he made contact and narrowed his eyes in wonder, observing how Koro seemed to visibly relax when he began to do Karma's hair as he kept reading.

"He was totally scared there!"

"You noticed too?"

Yoshida turned around to speak lowly towards Muramatsu which also caught Terasaka's attention as he nodded smugly, "The bastard octopus was probably shitting himself inside."

Koro-sensei's head sprung up when he was silenced, glaring at Terasaka as his trouble student stared with that grin, giving the absent desk beside him a quick glance before staring again, "I was not scared! And strictly no profanity in my classroom!"

He trudged back to the front of the class stubbornly making Karma fume in silence, already knowing who and what they were referring too. Kirara Hazama snickered in front of the empty desk absent of you, leaning her head against the palm of her hand on the desk in front of her, "I bet he thought the same thing would happen, that's priceless."

"This is (Y/N) that we're talking about though, who else could do what she did right off the bat like that?" Maehara voiced his thoughts aloud when swivelling in his seat to speak to the students occupying the back corner of the class.


"Who's got their anti-koro bb's with them?!"  

With your eyes alight with energy and bloodlust, you hopoed in your spot after the bell had just rang. Lunch was finished and after jogging ahead of Rio, Maehara and Isogai jumped when your question caught them off guard, Isogai apologised quickly as he didn't have his with him at the moment, "Sorry (Y/N)-chan, mine are in my locker."

"We're here to kill a teacher and the weapon made to hurt him is in your locker? How silly."

Rolling your eyes you had ran off, Maehara watching you startle Chiba as you blurted the same question when he looked at you confused for a while before slipping a hand into his back pocket to place them in your cupped hands. Isogai and Maehara had approached you again when heading up the steps, "You call us silly when you didn't even have yours!"

Isogai saw your face change when you stared at Maehara in the eye. He was concerned when your face fell but as if he had been seeing things, a toothy smile grew, "I'm saving mine up for something special."

With a hand full of newly aquired anti-koro bb's, you dashed to the entrance of the class to place a majority of them on the floor beside your foot, stomping on them and turning them to crumbs and dust, blowing the left overs away as students watched you throw them in the air to walk through the dust, feeling the pink particles land on your hair, face and neck.

"This should surprise him!" The bloodlust present in your eyes made Nagisa and Kayano shiver.


Kirara Hazama admired the way (Y/N) thought about showering the powder on her and thought it was even cooler when koro's yellow liquid spat all over (Y/N)'s face and also Kirara's back. She recalls when she had jumped and turned with an 'O' -shaped mouth when she saw half a tentacle and you were still, face void of emotion before a manic upturn of your lips grew, dark giggles escaping your mouth when Koro screamed and backed away in mach 20.

Chiba had thought it was odd how you didn't pull out your gun the second Koro passed you so he felt compelled to turn back and see what happened- as did the rest of the class. Without hearing the sound of an anti-Koro bb gun going off, the class was dumbfounded when you actually let the yellow alien touch you- as they knew how much you hated that.


Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now