| nineteen |

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Rio didn't like the fact that Karma's presence caused talks about you to arise more. She liked the peace in her class when they weren't trying to kill their teachers but now she was feeling down and alone. Nagisa could see this but he was troubled as he could only pray that you'd wake up quickly just as every one else in the class was. Midterms were arriving very soon so the students had to keep their mind on their studies but it was tough when some of them had landed in this class due to their lowered grades and the cash reward distributed to them when they killed their teacher was worth a lot more than some silly junior high academics.

Manami still thought about you a lot, about what you had done for her in the science lab back in the main building and then about what she had done for you with her concoctions. She was extremely relieved that they had worked just as she made them too, she was scared that what you had planned would fail because of her and she wouldn't know how to ever repent for that. She was a little scared of you, scared of your personality. During class this morning, the students stayed put in their seats in the newly converted science lab as Koro-sensei grabbed the equipment from the storage room. In order to avoid taking more than one trip, he asked Isogai and Kataoka to assist him.

As the doors opened and they arrived back to class, they watched when Maehara, Okajima and Kouki dove straight to their teacher and swiped their dark greens knives at him. The measuring cylinders and science trays were left in the air when Koro dodged them and then he reappeared to grab them again. Isogai and Kataoka stared with a dissatisfied look, "I can't believe this is considered normal for us now.."

Koro snickered and yelped when he got a bit close to a knife, setting up the tables perfectly as the students kept at their attempts. Karma sat in the back of the class at the end of a table with his head leaned against his arm. He was smiling, almost condescendingly at his three peers and whipped out his phone to quickly tap on his camera roll, pressing onto the images that displayed a smiling girl and her best friend. He stared for a little while before realising what he was doing. He put the phone away just as Nakamura also took her phone out, snapping pictures of Maehara failing and tripping over his feet.

Maehara noticed this and gaped, "Hey! Why don't you get off your ass and try this!" He was huffing, Okajima and Kouki now seated limply against his back as they regained their breaths. The blonde-haired girl smiled in triumph and closed her phone, putting it away in a sassy manner, "Oh please, everyone here knew that wouldn't do anything- this is for (Y/N)."

Maehara was silenced and rolled his eyes as he slowly got up with his knife now in the strap of his pants and his head held down, "Maehara, are you okay?" Isogai couldn't help inquiring, the boy with the light brown hair nodded and faced the teacher in his desk to begin the lesson.

Chemistry was the one and only subject and Manami Okuda excelled at, she was really passionate about it even though it was also the cause of her downfall to E-class. Nervousness caused her to tremble right before her teacher when he stood behind the podium at the front of the class, "U-Uh.." Koro was a little confused, finding that she preferred not to interact or have attention on her as much as the others, he found that she wasn't talkative person, "What can I do for you, Manami-san?"


The class was silent and the thought that her classmates, especially Nagisa, Rio and Karma were watching her, waiting for her to speak only made her more unsure of her actions, "Sir! Poison!"

Kayano, Masayoshi and Sousuke were taken aback just as the majority of their class was, Maehara sweatdropped and leaned forward a little when the girl in glasses thrusted three measuring flasks; full of unknown liquids, to her teacher, "Please drink them!"

"That's a very straightforward assassination attempt."

Manami tried to ignore her classmate and kept her hold on the flasks, "P-Please Koro-sensei! I'm not good at being sneaky but I love chemistry and I put my heart and soul into this!" At that, Koro stopped and drank the liquids.

He convulsed and growled in what sounded like pain, he kept his stance but his composure crumbled when he stopped and turned blue, two horns appearing atop his head. Manami stared with her mouth ajar, sweating a little when another liquid was grabbed from her hands, "Sodium hydroxide! Well done with that Manami, if I was human then I would've been a goner!"

He downed the next one, "Salute!" The red liquid fell into his opened mouth like a little waterfall and he couldn't help but beam at the look of Manami's sparkling eyes when she watched him with hope, the convulsions came again, harder, and his body shook in pain as they reacted with the acids in his body. He growled and went green like a bright apple, below the horns he had previously grown there were now two wings on the sides of his head, "Ahh valium acetate- a nice kick to that one! Now for the last one!-" It was gone before Manami reacted and as the other two had failed, she wasn't sure how this would succeed at all.

Koro yelled out in pain, his scream was deep and agonising to hear- it was frightful. Karma grew excited to see the end product when Koro's body emitted smoke that blew the papers on the students' desks. It was gone in about five seconds and then his head seemed to pop! he turned silver, a bright chrome and his face was an expressionless emoticon and he melted.

With a pat on the back, the class passed Manami and Koro as they left 3-E to head out to the school yard. The net was up and the students formed two teams to play tennis with a miniature yellow ball that had their teachers face on it. Karasuma and Jelavic watched in boredom in the heat while Karasuma listened to his co-worker complain and flirt to him.

Koro and Manami stayed in the chem lab with measuring flasks, cylinders and powders surrounding them, discussing the works of chemistry together, Manami couldn't help remember the time both her and yourself hung out for that entire week to make concoctions as she was failing every other subject, "I'm sure (Y/N)-san would be very proud of you, Manami-san."


"Asano-sensei~ What the hell is your problem?"

Stomping through and down the mountain, (Y/N) slammed her leg into the doors of the principals office and glared, ignoring the strawberry blonde-haired boy smirking in her direction. His eyes widened when he heard this girl; (Y/N) (L/N) talking to the principal like that, talking to his father in that manner. The principal swiveled his chair to face her with that fake smile on his face, his eyes crinkled in mock happiness, "Ah (Y/N)-san, I had a feeling you'd come to visit me. I'd like you to meet Asa-"

"I don't care about him- you had no right to pull that crap you did." Lowering your leg and in a rage, your fist was still aching a little from punching your locker in but it felt good, it felt refreshing to have that pain again. The student council president almost gaped and could've lost it laughing if it wasn't for the deathly look in his fathers eyes, "I think you better watch your mouth (Y/N)-san, your running a thin line here."

"Oh and what are you gonna do? Send me to E-class? That's already done. Or~ how about humiliating me in front of my entire class? THAT'S DONE TOO!"

It was loud, echoing through the hall and the chairman almost couldn't believe that the student before him was accepted into his school. His smile grew and it was manic- (Y/N) felt herself becoming fearful but also prideful, she was excited yet scared of what to expect and it made the adrenaline course through her explicitly. He chuckled and tightened his hold on his hands that were entwined in front of him, "I suggest you leave for now (Y/N)-san, perhaps we can talk at a more convenient time-"

"Or not at all- bye bye."

Turning to leave through the double doors, Gakushuu's purple eyes trailed up and down your body. His smile grew when his eyes met yours and a smile took over your face. The chairman grew silent as he thought about the trouble student who halted in her retreat just as she waved and sauntered away from his son, "Bye Gakushuu-kun~"

Gakushuu looked towards his father when he began chuckling; he knew her weakness.



Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now