| seventeen |

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"Dammit Hagiwara why are you here?!"

He pouted stubbornly and glared at Nakamura, not noticing the girl adorned with glasses and two braids standing behind her. He crossed his arms and looked at Karma, his eyes widening a little before returning back to normal, "I-I already told you, I want to see (Y/N)! I need to talk to her about something."

Nakamura clicked her tongue against the top of her mouth and stormed pass causing Manami to flinch and follow hastily, "O-Oi! I was talking to you!"

Nakamura stopped and turned her head quickly, glaring daggers at the boy when he stopped, chills going down his spine when she spoke lowly, "I have nothing to say to you, (Y/N) isn't here so go away."

"I do-"

"And I don't care if you don't care! Just because you think you own the main building doesn't mean you have any influence over us up here- you mean nothing over here, okay?"

Karma had been watching from behind them, leaning against the wall of the class with his bag in hand, he smirked at the fearful look on Hagiwara's face and watched Nakamura and Manami walk away as they left for the hospital. In all honesty Karma wanted to follow them as well, he wanted to see you and what you looked like. He was a little nervous to though, he didn't feel like he could when he never really knew you- only catching small glimpses of you at school but he never actually saw your face.

He thought it was odd that he didn't notice a girl that caused so much trouble in his own school. He was interrupted in his daydream by Isogai and Maehara walking by, they were talking amongst each other and Nagisa walked out behind them. Nagisa almost smiled towards his red-haired friend but it faltered when he noticed the red devil walking toward the two boys in front of him, "Hey~ guys, where're you heading?"

Maehara paused just as Isogai did and looked back, a little weirded out to see Karma walking up to them, Maehara glanced at his best friend when he answered, "Uh- I'm going to the cafè- my shift starts in.." He checked his phone briefly, "Thirty-five minutes."

Karma nodded and Maehara squinted his eyes in confusion, "Did.. Did you need something Karma?"

Karma's eyes seemed to analysing the orange-haired male and he fell in step beside them when they continued walking further, "I don't feel like going home just yet, let's go then."

The two boys shrugged their shoulders, Isogai had turned to see a blue-haired boy watching them with his mouth slightly agape, "Nagisa! Hey, you wanna come too? We're going to the cafè I work at." Karma looked back, smiled and nodded which made Nagisa smile, the four of them started walking as Karma fell in step with Nagisa as the other two continued to talk among themselves in front. They all walked out of school and kept in a group, "Karma, what are you doing?"

Nagisa couldn't help but ask what was on his mind, Karma only looked at his with a odd look, like he didn't know what he was talking about and then he smiled a little, Nagisa was oddly drawn in by that smile- he wondered what you'd think about it too, "I just wanted to stop by somewhere on the way home."

They were walking along the street when Isogai suddenly turned into a store, Karma noticed the cafè they walked into, Maehara immediately turning left at the entrance to slid into a booth. Karma slid in on the other side, Nagisa following after him and Isogai sat next to Maehara. The both of them were staring at Karma- or the spot he was in, "It feels weird to see someone else sitting there- even after all this time, right?" Maehara didn't smirk but his lips lifted up a little and Nagisa looked at the spot too, seeing two letters on the edge of the table in front of Karma, "Hey, what's that?"

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now