| twentyone |

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'(Y/N)-san? Can you hear me?'

Seiji Hagiwara watched both of the students when they came down from that mountain beside his school. He walked behind slowly but made sure he wouldn't lose them around corners and unknown streets. He made sure that the blonde girl; Nakamura and the taller, buff boy didn't see him. He made sure they didn't notice another student following without their knowledge. He felt as if he was at his limit and he knew that he was being lied to, he hated that the stupid people in E class thought that they could deceive him for this long. He was a student in B class, student number one and he ruled over his class.

He was at the top of the hierarchy of B class and he made sure his classmates knew it. Other students in their third year at Kunugigaoka also knew that he was sort of - technically dating the infamous (Y/N) (L/N) so they were also terrified of what he could do with her by his side. It wasn't official as he was seen flirting and holding hands with other girls off of campus but he could still use the fact that he had (Y/N) on a leash to his advantage. He didn't realise it was the other way around until he resorted to following two losers from E class all the way to the local hospital.

First, he was curious, wondering why the devil girl wasn't contacting him or telling him to go to her house for some fun or maybe a sleepover. He wondered why she never called to tell him to buy dinner for her and he didn't understand why she stopped visiting him during school breaks or maybe when they both wanted to wag class. Later he became frustrated and it showed in his grades; from an A - B grade student down to a low B and C student. He was getting more annoyed, it wasn't really anger but he was irritated as it felt like the girl; that began to swirl throughout his thoughts day and night, was ignoring him for no reason at all. Perhaps it was entertaining to her but he hated the way it made him feel useless and sort of alone.

He was angry soon after and was disbelieving to think this was really happening to him. Seiji didn't want this, he wanted it to stop and he just wanted to see your face again. He wanted to hear your voice that called his name in that sort of whiny tone that he; beyond his comprehension, actually grew fond of. Seiji didn't like that he thought he might have become accustomed to your presence hence why he came on that day. About thirty minutes after observing the same two students walk out of the hospital doors and he walked in stiffly with hundreds of thoughts zooming in his mind.

He didn't know why you were in the hospital when he guessed it could've been because of a fight. He didn't understand why he was shocked to think that you started one and failed to end it. Perhaps a violent discussion went wrong and you had wound yourself in hospital but he was still puzzled because of how long it had been. A month, something like a month and a week and he finally found you, "U-Uh is there a (L/N) (Y/N) here?"

The lady at the reception looked to her computer after finding the teen to be looking down at her. She sat in her chair that had wheels and typed the name in her computer, Seiji following her fingers type that name he despised but adored too. She nodded, finding that it was the girl that frequently got other visitors appearing to be Seiji's age, "Room 38 on the sixth floor."

"Yeah thanks.." He pushed off of the counter to walk to the elevator before the woman stopped him, "Excuse me, visiting hours closes in forty minutes." He nodded, awkwardly turning back around. He wasn't sure what to expect and entered the elevator with an exhale. His shoulders felt stiff and it irked him because he couldn't shake this feeling off. He opened the door slowly after walking around to find the room and feared he'd wake the girl that might be sleeping. His hand raised to grab hold of the curtain as the sunlight illuminated the silhouette of a girl laying on a single bed, the heart rate monitor beeping consistently and repetitively.

The curtain was drawn back and the breath left Seiji's lungs because there before him was the girl he had been wondering about. She was laying with her eyes closed and her breathing relaxed with the heart rate monitor beeping. Her skin was pale and her cheeks were hollow while her cheek bones and clavicles were prominent. Her thin arms rested by her side outside of the blanket that was pulled over her body, up to her chest. He saw a clipboard hanging in a plastic pocket on the wall behind her bed as he read it in black ink,

'Patient - (L/N) (Y/N)'

'Age - 15'

'Diagnosis - Anoxic brain damage - Coma.'

Seiji didn't exactly know how to feel. He didn't know anything about this and first it was guilt. Guilt because he had been selfish about you and wanting to see you with such impure thoughts. He didn't realise that something this big could affect someone like you, he always believed you could overcome anything with that wretchedly sexy grin of yours. He felt ashamed to have done such a thing, whining to your best friend when she was going through this - knowing her closest friend was laying practically brain dead in the hospital a good walk away from her school.

He felt ashamed for boasting about you to his friends and the people in his class, the neighboring classes. He didn't know what was happening and he was so ignorant to the real possibilities of what could have been happening. He felt so ashamed that he ran with his tail tucked in between his legs. He felt ashamed when a dark plan formed in his mind, the image of you laying in a coma in his mind the whole time.

'Excuse me, (Y/N)-san?..... -y name is Tanaka-sensei.... Your docto-...'

Two days past as it was the weekend and Monday came when 3-E had to get their groups settled for the class trip. From Tokyo was where they would depart in a shinkansen to head for Kyoto for their school trip. It consisted of the year from classes A to E though classes A to D were given the location of a luxurious hotel to reside in while class E was staying in a traditional Japanese Inn with professor Jelavic, Karasuma and Koro-sensei too. They all got ready with their maps and Koro was set while adorned in purple kimono with a pastel white face, red lips and a black-haired wig with flowers and beads. He was shameless and Kouki yelled is exasperation, "A geisha, really?!" When Okajima appeared beside him, "IT'S ACTUALLY KINDA HOT!!?"

Nagisa had only been informed about it in the morning and Karma felt the urge to take out his phone from his pocket to open it and tap on his camera roll again. There it was again, his favourite picture. It was the first he clicked and the last to leave his eyes when he put the phone away - when, he wasn't sure. It took a while for him to pull his sight away from that those stunning eyes that glowed so bright and beautiful. It was the pink tint on your cheeks that that made you appear that much cuter. The way your smile stretched across your cheeks from one ear to the other. The way you looked so different to what he had learned - the sadistic, crazy girl that was on medication who had a kink for trying to kill her teacher, an unusual love for hurting others whether it be physical or verbal. The manipulative girl that laid insentient in a hospital room due to an attempt on her teachers' life.

He adored the fact that this was the same girl and it excited him to think that she would eventually meet him in his class, in their class. He wanted to really see what she was made of, he wanted to observe her behavior and how aggressive she was described to be. It made chills run upon his arms when thinking about how his teacher was actually scared, intimidated by her.

'(Y/N)-san, can you see me?'

A stir, arms moving to the bring the white, cotton blanket up to her chin, a messy head of hair and her pink lips opened slowly, "Arrhg could you be-.." A yawn, "Be quiet and let me sleep..Jeez~.."

The doctor; Tanaka-sensei, did a double take, staring at the nurse as she stared back, her mouth agape, "...What?"


Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now