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Lil' cutie with glasses (hey that's me too)


The walk to school seemed sort of lonely in Manami's opinion, it usually always is- but there wasn't and hasn't been an obnoxiously sadistic she-devil waiting for the miniature scientist. It seemed really crazy how it happened but after a lot of chats and spending time together, Manami considered you her friend, just like that. She felt a bit too scared to ask anyway.

She carried her school bag in front of her with two hands and walked in a timid fashion while admiring the sunlight, she wanted to think of more poisonous concoction's to have her teacher drink for her but she couldn't stop thinking about the first time the two of you had met. It was actually a pretty funny story and Manami couldn't help but think about the fact that if she wasn't in that classroom in that time, then she wouldn't have gained you as a friend.

She didn't know how to express her gratitude to you for what you had done for her, her simple language and the fact that she was an introvert never helped but she had hoped to tell you how grateful she was.

Reaching the school grounds after about a twenty minute walk, the black-haired girl wove passed the desks as she made her way in class to quietly take her seat in the back, only a few places diagonally in front of your empty seat. She didn't like looking at the desk beside Terasaka. She noticed that sometimes Terasaka would catch her looking but he wouldn't say anything. She would only see his eyebrows furrowing as he exhaled and faced the front.

She always felt a pang in her chest when she had to take her eyes off of your desk, you should've been there to call out her name loudly (as much as it embarrassed her) and ask as quickly as you could about how to make a new mixture that could, 'make her victims leak their faces for substitutes for tears.' You would always laugh really loudly after stating that which caused Manami to force out a quiet nervous laugh after a second. Sometimes she actually thought you were dead serious.

Okuda sat quietly in her chair, "Okuda-chan, hey!" She looked up surprised to see Kayano Kaede greeting her from across the room. With blushing cheeks Manami waved back as Nagisa smiled at the girl in glasses too, their smile was a little too... Knowing.

They knew how Okuda was feeling because they noticed the lack of that smile she would get when she looked to the back of the class first thing in the morning, watching your careless face as you picked on Terasaka. Sometimes you even sat in the back quietly while trying to punch Terasaka when he tried to grab your breakfast.


"Oi you! You gotta help me!"

Okuda Manami  jumped and turned around, pushing her glasses up with the back of her palm while handling test tubes of sodium hydroxide. The (H/C) haired teen dashed into the chemistry lab of Kunugigaoka and straight to the girl wearing the white lab coat, "Help me out here, I need something- anything!"

The rebellious looking girl looked really desperate; she was puffing loudly and looked as if she had stood under a waterfall. The girl's hair was clinging to her face while her sports attire stuck to her body. Okuda blushed heavily when she was approached by such a pretty girl, she was almost jealous.

"You gotta help me make something, okay? Oh but first," She stuck her hand out which made Okuda jump, "I dont bite," The other girl giggled and continued, "My names (F/N)- well (L/N), (F/N) but call me (F/N), okay? What's your name?"

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