| thirtysix |

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*slight trigger warning, don't read if you're uncomfortable with mentions of suicide

Karma had no problem as he walked downwards along the mountain side to watch as you walked - or skipped - in front of him. Simply holding his hands behind his head, his bright, mercury eyes raked up and down your body without a care in the world all the while the smile couldn't be wiped from his face.

'She's really here..'

He loved the feeling of his heart thumping against his ribcage and he really liked the fact that he couldn't stop smiling, he was so content with watching you as you seem to focus on the finer details in the flora and fauna surrounding you. It was as if watching a child at an amusement park though it seemed as if you already had something planned in mind hence why the both of you kept walking without interruptions.

"I honestly didn't expect you to skip on your first day back?"

As if ready to hear that specific question, Karma observed the way your arms moved by your sides more enthusiastically while turning your head sideways, "I didn't actually think it would work but they just like, let me go?" He knew you were referring to the class that was being taught by Koro-sensei. He almost let out a chuckle when realising that you didn't even know if you'd get away with wagging, "I was thirsty so I guess they let me have some freedom... I don't know why the hell Koro let you come though."

His head tilted a little in curiosity as he slowed down to observe the way you huffed deeply after crossing the small stream of water, getting closer to the school, "I mean you're Karma Akabane and I'm.. well, me. But whatever I'm hungry." The smile on Karma's face subconsciously formed a smirk, somewhat impressed that you'd say such a thing but he was still a little sceptical of what you could do, of what you were really capable of.

He looked to you again and found that it was something that occurred more than he realised. He didn't dislike it though, he found you to be entrancing in a way, he found that he really enjoyed watching you, smiling at the way your body jumped in your step and the way your expressions appeared. he was so excited for what could come when he could finally watch you fight or try and assassinate your teacher and he definitely wanted to know the extent of your true strength after everything he had heard about you.

Entering the school gates, Karma followed mindlessly as he saw you reach a vending machine and look through the glass with narrowed eyes; as if this was one of the most important decisions to make. Karma had stood beside, his eyes not leaving your form when he saw a glimpse of red on the inside of your arm at the crease of your elbow, "Is that from an IV drip?"

Looking away from the beverages, you looked at Karma but he noticed when you quickly looked away as well, observing the red mark on your arm while nodding, "Oh that, yeah it was pissing me off."

Again, he chuckled after being mildly shocked and placed his hands within his pants pockets, flinching away quickly when three huge bangs; the sound of an object smashing against metal, was heard right beside him and he saw that you had begun kicking the vending machine on the side of it. He raised a brow, "(Y/N)-chan doesn't have money~?"

You had looked at him almost expectantly and raised a brow while straitening up, your fist beginning to numb from the impact, "You got money?"

Smirking, he replied as the breeze blew his hair lightly making him seem to glow while you stood in the shade, he in the sunlight, "No, not on me."

Resuming your previous actions, your fist rammed into the side of the machine, the drinks shaking from within it before a hollow 'bang' sounded and something dropped into the compartment below, you pulled a bottle out with your tongue sticking outside the corner of your mouth, "Ooooh~ Matcha, I love it- want some?"

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now