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The silence dragged on like it had no end. The teacher was shocked and the students could be classified as broken. You didn't seem to care though, indifferent to their feelings and their reactions. You told the truth, nothing but just that and this was the result so you didn't care. You didn't mind the atmosphere you walked through when you turned around silently went back to your chair in the back of the class.

Everyone watched. They all stared at you and the way you held yourself, the bruises and cuts that tainted your body though there wasn't ever really a time when you didn't come to class with any sort of wound. You had two more classes to go before you could go home now, you just had to wait patiently and then leave as quickly as possible to see Ikeda Daisuke, Kato Arata and Hisakawa Kichirou. You didn't hope to see Seiji though, he was something that came to become a bother to you. You had to deal with him but you knew it had to be done correctly.

You cleared your throat and spoke up as the silence ensued, "Koro-sensei, I'll get my revenge by training harder and becoming stronger than I was before my coma." You intentionally put emphasis on the word 'coma' as you knew you would continue to do. He had the sole purpose of becoming a teacher to protect each and every one of his students. He failed and he had to repent.

"I'll be the one to end your pitiful life because you're the one who did that to me. Rest easy and keep your eyes on my lesser peers." Your voice was authoritative and almost robotic, Rio watched you with two sad eyes and she didn't even know what she could say to bring you back. The you that everyone knew and loved. The person you were now was troubled and lustful for blood, it made you extremely intelligent. You almost resembled like a great leader too.

You didn't care about the words coming from your mouth when you belittled the people you had always admired and cared for. They were left in the dark without anything to rebuttal with, their faces down in disappointment when they slowly came to the realisation that they really could have prevented what happened that day. Nagisa felt the worst though, he couldn't even look at you without feeling a weight on his chest so he stared down at his desk.

"Nakamura." The blonde looked at you, a small frown on her face when you continued, "How's Hagiwara been?"

She was puzzled but she answered nonetheless and Karma didn't know what to think, he wanted to say something, anything from keeping you from speaking more about that asshole but he wanted to so desperately hear what you had to say about him whilst in this condition, "He's been really stubborn about wanting to see you... It's like he's obsessed."

Not everyone in the class knew exactly what Seiji was to you but there wasn't any point in speaking about him further, "Good."

"No, not good. What do you think you're doing?" Terasaka and Yoshida flinched when they turned to see Karma in his seat beside you. He was watching you, his body turned to face you completely while he leaned his elbow on the desk as he held his chin, smiling at you with curiosity and mischief swimming in his pretty, mercury eyes.

"I don't recall it ever being yo-"

No, you couldn't bring yourself to speak to him that way. You stopped and cringed to yourself, it looked as if your face was twisted in pain and he perked up when he noticed, "What's wrong, (Y/N)-chan?" There was a sincerity in his voice when he spoke to you again but you turned away, anger present in your frown.

"Leave m-... Nothing."


why am I so stupid.

why can't I say something to him? I'm gonna look so weak to them now.

No one stopped you when your chair scraped the floor beneath you as you ran from your seat to the exit as Koro watched, perplexed while Nakamura was almost tempted to run after you.

Entrancingly Insentient | 魅惑的ではない | Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now