Chapter 2 - Find me

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*New adventures are coming for the girl .*

The smell of mint and cologne was now strong . I was too terrified

to open my eyes. What I should do , get up and run , scream for

help ? Nothing seems to end well. Another touch , my heart was

beating so fast . I opened slowly my eyes to find in front of me , in

knees a boy . I looked straight in his eyes, beautiful , green eyes .

He looked young , 21, maybe 22 . He was looking like an angel ,

long brown hair , a little bit curled and pink , soft lips. He give me a

smile and a squeeze on my hand , making me feel like it's ok .

He get up on his feet and , God , he was tall . He give me his hand

to help me get up. I was unable to speak . He was so handsome. He

was wearing black jeans, a black and transparent shirt and a pair of

brown boots. I looked at him , admiring him , then I saw his tattoos

. He give me a smile , with his hand still waiting for mine. I wasn't

ready to get up. I saw through his shirt a big butterfly above  his

stomach . His arms were tattooed too. His hands were big and two

rings on his finger and middle finger.

Finally , with all my courage I took his hand . He looked happy . Our

fingers crossed together . He led me on the hall , downstairs with

me playing with his rings all the time , looking at our hands and

then at him . What I should do now ? He doesn't look dangerous.

Sometimes he looked down at me like making sure I was still there.

Without me notice , we are in the living room. He stopped , looking

around. I copied his moves , he looked unsure. I was staring at him

and he started to frown looking like he left something here and

now it's gone. He looked at me and I looked fast away. His small

giggle made me smile. He just say a little "hmm" , happy like he

found what he lost and led me to the kitchen , with our hands still

crossed . We enter together in the kitchen , then I figured out . He

didn't lost something , it was someone. A small man was sitting at

the table smoking. He looked happy at me , like he knows me. I

smiled back unsure what to do. He looked down at our hands , he

didn't say anything , his face was neutral . The tall boy cleared his

throat and the small boy put the cigarette down in the ashtray ,

smiling guilty , like he wasn't allowed to smoke there.

None was speaking , they looked at each other smiling. The tall boy

led me to the one of the chairs , he just standing beside me ,

leaving my hand. A feeling covered my body , because his big, warm

and safe hand left mine. They both giggle at my expression. I just

smile , ashamed. And now ? They don't say anything ? They just

stare at me , waiting for me to speak , probably ...

I notice the eyes of the small boy, well he looked older than the tall

one , maybe 24-25. His eyes were a clear , ocean blue. Now I

understand the paintings. The tall one has tattooed a rose on his

arm and the small one a dagger , like the painting from that room.

Now everything have sense. My thoughts were interrupted by a

voice . The tall one say to the small one :

"I told you I will find her. She looks confused. What we do ?" He

whispered . I was there , I heard him . Really ? The small one with

brown , short hair , good structured jaw and small hands said :

"I don't know. Maybe we should just let her do whatever she wants"

His voice was high , definitely he was the one that took that high

notes . With all my courage I said :

" You're the one that was singing in that room."

The tall boy said happy :

"Ha , told ya she was at the door." He was laughing , made me

laugh too , then all we was laughing like stupid people . The small

one just nod at him , looking in his eyes. The room was filled with silence again. My heart was beating so fast , that I thought they will hear . The small boy was looking at me , making me feel uncomfortable . My blonde hair was falling down on my shoulders and I felt his blue eyes burning my green eyes. Probably he notice that he was staring and looked away with a smile. Without thinking I looked up at the tall boy , searching for comfort . He smiled and press his hand on mine. With his deep voice asked the small boy :

"So , Lou , you want some coffee ?"

His name was Lou, maybe the short for Louis. Lovely name. I keep my mouth shut , even I wanted a coffee too. Like he read my minds , the tall boy asked me :

"You angel , want some coffee ?"

I just nod shy , saying a little thank you under my breath , not sure if he heard it. After he made the coffee , he put on the table three cups and a little box of cookies . With his lovely high voice Louis said to me :

"Take some angel , I bet you're hungry" . I hesitate at first , but he insisted so I eat a lot of cookies and drink my coffee while , the tall boy was cleaning the counter singing softly something and Louis looks happy listening him sing. I take a deep breath and finally speak :

"Thank you " the tall boy smiled at me and I continued

"Your voice is beautiful , I heard both of you singing in that room, but you're gone when I opened the door. What happened ? I want to know." i said ,then Louis looking at his friend said :

"She talk a lot , huh ?" and laugh softly . The tall boy said :

"Don't be like that Lou , she's confused . Don't feel uncomfortable by his words angel , he's sassy all the time " He said to me smiling , making me giggle.

"He's sassy all the time" Louis said in an ironic voice imitating his friend . Now I was laughing hard by his funny voice , then I stopped suddenly . The tall boy said to me  surprised :

"No , don't stop angel , your laugh is cute , we like it " I smile , my thoughts running wild again. I was confused . I was in a house that I never saw , at the table with two men who are so nice to me . Louis was sassy and ironic while his friend was cute and protective. Two opposite persons living in the same house.

*Read the next chapter to find out more*

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