Chapter 19 - He's coming

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"Oh god " i opened my eyes to see my room . That was a damn nightmare. But it was so real . Harry .. I have to check him.

"Harry ? Harry?? " I screamed all around the house. I bumped into Louis who was visible annoyed.

"What's wrong? " he said rubbing his eyes .

"Harry .. Where's Harry ? " I asked shaking his shoulders.

"Darling, it's 6 in the morning. He's sleeping, well he was sleeping until you decided to wake up not just the two of us, the entire forest with your screams" he said with his hands on his hips .

"I have to see him " I said heading to Harry bedroom.

"No no .. He's..oh god " he said rushing after me .

"Harry " I said when I saw him in bed rubbing his eyes .

"Good morning to you too, Angel" he said smiling trying to cover his lower body .

"You're ok " I said crawling in bed beside him .

"Of course I am. What happened? " he said resting his whole body in one hand .

"It was just a nightmare" I shrugged.

"Come here " he said and I get under the covers and Louis come beside me in bed .

"You want to talk about it ? " he asked looking in my eyes with his beautiful green eyes .

"No , I'm ok " I said trying to pull the cover more on my body , but I touched Harry naked V line .

"Mm, Harry ?" I asked frozen.

"Yes Angel? " he said with one of his hands on his face

"Are you ..naked ? " I asked afraid of the answer

Louis was laughing and I bite my tongue.

"Yes Angel" he said laughing softly covering his eyes.

"Aghh, Harry .. It's gross" I groaned, trying to get out of the bed .

"What ? I'm sleeping naked " he said getting up , laughing, trying to cover his lower body.

"Louis " I said pointing at him .

"I tried to stop you " he said giggling

"Aghh " I left the room going back in my bedroom. Something is definitely wrong . Why I dreamed about someone that I never saw ? It was a clear dream , I saw his face clear . I can get this dream out of my mind.


Harry POV (point of view)

"Lou , did you saw her today? "

"No. Just in the morning. Why ? " he answers putting the cigarette in the ashtray.

"I don't know . She was always around us . "

"Maybe she's just ashamed for what happened" Louis said giggling.

"I'm going to look for her . Be right back"

"No , she ..maybe. ..oh go ahead." I heard Louis laughing at me. I looked after her in the whole house and I find her in the art room .

She was painting. Hair in a bun , her tongue sticking out... She was really concentrated. I stayed in the door for few seconds to admire her beauty until she saw me . God , women are weird, they are not missing anything.

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