Chapert 26 - So , Am I leaving ?

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A loud sound made me open my eyes. I was in the music room.. I fell asleep on the floor..

My nightmares are starting again ... Something will happen soon ..I'm sure ..

I heard Harry and Louis on the hall so I closed my eyes again. I don't want them to be worried about me.

"She's tired" I heard Harry , who was probably in the door frame .

"Yeah , maybe we should take her in her room " Louis whispered

"No no ..she hardly fell asleep. Let her sleep here. I'll put a blanket on her .. Wait here " Harry said putting down something .

"Sure" Louis whispered back . He was quietly humming a song and forgot the lyrics and swears.

I was trying my best to not laugh..

"Shit here ..shit there .. I forgot the lyrics like always" he said really mad at himself.

Without knowing I let out a small laugh.

"You weren't sleeping?" Lou asked softly but shocked

"I was , but you guys woke me up"

"Sorry" he said in a calm voice.

Not two seconds after Harry enters the room with some pillows and two blankets.

"She's awake " Louis said dissapointed

"Oh " that was everything harry said.

"I really need some sleep ,so I will go to my room." i said getting up. I made my way up to my bedroom as I heard a small conversation between them . Right now , all I need is sleep . Im exhausted , physically and psychically.

What felt like two hours , I was woken up by some music , loud music. What are those guys doing ? It was 11am . Wow, I slept so much.

I got up from bed and changed my clothes , washed my face and brushed my teeth , still processing what happened in the last few days.

I made my way to the kitchen ignoring the music. As always there was coffee for me waiting and that box of cookies that im obssesed with. I heard foot steps coming towards the kitchen. It was Harry.

"Morning Angel" he said looking at me with those beautiful green eyes.

"Morning . "

"Are you ok ? You seem a little off ... " He said searching for any facial reaction from me

"Im tired.." I simply responded

"You slept a lot ..." but he couldn't finish as I harshly interrupted him

"Im fucking tired Harry ... Everything its blurry , I dont understand anything anymore . My nightmares , you , why I am here , how I got here , what the hell I am and so on... " i finished my sentence with a sigh...

"Im sorry " he managed to say through his lips.

"Don't, Its not your fault ... At least , can we please talk , can you please explain to me some of the things that just happened ? Im so tired of pushing them in the back of my head thinking that all of this its normal when its not .. Im tired of thinking that , I got it , i understood it , when .... in reality , I dont understand anything .. "

He looked at me so lost , didnt even bothering to say a word.

"Harry ... please .. I deserve to know ..." i begged him looking straight in his eyes.

He inhaled deply on his nose and took my hand. He led me to the library and made me sit down on one of the chairs .

"I'll bring Lou. Wait here." he said leaving the room.

I am ready to know ? I am ready to face the truth ? Am I kidnapped ? My thoughts vanished as the boys enterd the room and pulled two chairs to sit in front of me. They looked at each other so sad ... What are they hiding from me that bad , for them to take so long to explain all of those things that are happening..Are they affraid of losing me ? My heart started to pound as my head was slowly filling with the most horrific thoughts of what could possibly be...

"Look .." harry softly spoke , making my thoughts go away ..

"Everything thats happening here .. You are away from your world , ok ? " he finally admited and I saw a big weight lifted from his chest as the words left his lips..

"Am I what ?" i asked so shocked that i could barely put this into a frame and look at it as a whole picture.

"You are away .. from your world ... I dont really know how you got here , we found you at our door , but this is what we do . Take care of people like you ... Its been years since someone ended up here ..We thought that we have been erased from the book .."

"Book ? what book ?" i said , now with more questions than before ..

"If you would let us finish .." Louis said looking seriously in my eyes.

"Its a book with all the names of the "Angels" that are asigned to take care of people like you .Lost people .. "

"So , am I in heaven ?.. Omg , Am I dead ????" i gasped and Harry quickly grabbed my hand .

" No no no . This is not heaven , neither Hell . Its a .. umm.. its a neutral space , in between worlds . Its not heaven , hell and.. um.. neither the earth .. " he said lowering his gaze

"What do you mean its neither earth .. wait .. I'm more confused than before "

"I know , thats why we can't tell you all of those things, in fact we can't tell you anything . You weren't even supposed to stay here that much .. " Louis clenched his teeth after he realized what he just said . Harry looked at him , a clear frown on his face..

"What ? " i asked as my heart was breaking inside of me.

"Look , all of this , its too much for you.." harry wanted to continue but i interrupted him

"No , tell me everything.. I deserve to know " i said looking the both of the men standing in front of me.

"As I said before , we take care of people like you and in one day , they just leave... they either just go trought a light , that im assuming they go back to earth , or they just run into the woods and never come back .. what I think its them dying ...and I know they die , because there's a huge rose bush right in front of our house that dies , as soon as the person assigned to us dies....I ... I told you more that you should know... " harry said not looking at me , but at his hands... Louis gaze being somewhere between the window and me ...

I took a deep breath and got up from my chair to look out of the window.

"So , in one day , I might leave... "

"Yeah " harry softly spoke

"Is there a way I could stay here forever ? " I asked , turning my face towards the boys again..

Harry lifted his head from the ground to look at me and make sure he heard right ..

"I don't really think there's a way " Louis said

"There's no way .. this is how things work . People come here , we take care of them and as soon as they're all ok, they leave . Or , when there's nothing else we can do and the soul its giving up, they die." harry said getting up from his chair , making his way towards me.

"I wish you could stay here forever, but its not up to us. " Harry said pulling me into his arms hugging me like there's no tomorrow. I hugged him back and let myself cry into his arm as I know that any day here , can be my last one...

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